What are your parents doing right now?


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My dad is playing very loud horrible music.

Mum went to the shop and never returned. I think she probably went to grandmas on the way back, lucky escape. I think I might go join her....

//Edit: Messed up the bold. Forgot I was on TamaTalk, not Bebo. xDDDD

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Daddy's laying on the couch watching Danny Phantom with me, Mum's off doing something on the computer. Who knows.

Well, I am at my friends house right now, So my mom is talking to my friends mom and having tra and cofee. And I think my dad just got home from work.

Mummy's at work, probably on the bus now.

I haven't gotten in contact with daddy so I dunno what he's doing. D:

Mum's ... Cleaning my dining room. Yaay for redecorating.

Dad's pretending to know what things are, but looking awfully confused. Also, he's hunched over his tool bench thing that has a crap load of tools and junk in it. "Man junk" Apparently. That made me giggle.

Both are at work. But mom is coming o pick my sister and I up soon to go mini putting then go back to her store. They are next door to each other.

Mum is at work probably talking to somone. or on facebook or walking teh doggies.

Dad is at work probably (most likely) chit chatting. And if he's not, he's puttin coke procucts on the shelves at the stores.

Yus, I have interresting parents. :p

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Mom is sitting in the chair across the room and dad is sleeping.

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