What avvie would you never have?


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♦Hannah Montanna

♦Zac Effron

♦Johnny Depp (I'll probarly be murdered for saying that one. xD)

♦Any babyish ones

Anything to do with er............Dolls, pink, Masachuses XD and er.....Canada
Why Canada?! *Gasp*


I would NEVER put Hannah Montana.

More actors/actresses

and those stuipid babyish ones.

No more tamagotchi's any more. ^^

-Hannah Montana

-Celebs (Especially any ones that have to do with Disney)

-Avatars with music lyrics on them

-Premade avatars (I make mine)

-Zac Effron (He's so ugly! xP)

-Lovey-dovey ones..



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-Pink, or anything remotely pink or too bright

-Any celebrity (I do not understand why people just cannot stand to actually type out that word..)

-Anyhing animated (Because I hate them)

-Anything to do with "The perfect guy", love, or "Best friends". Pretty much anything sappy.

-Tamagotchi. (Yeah, I know, "It's a Tamagotchi Forum!!", but I play with none of my eight Tamagotchis anymore anyway.)

-'Cute'. I hate that word. That especially goes for sleeping puppies and kittens. XD

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