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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2006
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USA, baby, USA. <3
A couple of weeks ago one of my guy-friends who I've liked for ages asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes. It was one of the best days of my life. He is sweet and kind and funny, and he is the nicest bf ever! He gave me a white rose the other day, which was really sweet, and sometimes puts him arm round me to talk to me. In short - he's such a lovely guy, and does a ton of things to show me he cares.

I really want to return the favour and be a great girlfriend back, but I'm not sure what I should do. How can I show him he's special to me without directly giving him a gift?? It would also be great to get some guys feedback from this. I know that me and pretty much all girls love a guy who does sweet things for them and makes them laugh, but what do guys love from a girlfriend? What would the perfect girlfriend do for you?

And girls, I'd love your advice too!!! :chohimetchi:

Thanks everyone,


EDIT: Sorry, typo.. x3

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this i find pretty funny

cuz my girlfriend recently broke up with me cuz she was always "busy". and i really liked her, and i always complimented her and stuff. but she never really did the same for me, she didnt show alot of care towards me


just do what you think is right, do anything and everything you can, ill bet he'll appreciate it

Thanks, derek95!

That's a shame that your girlfriend didn't show a lot of care towards you. I'm not going to be like that; I'll try to be an excellent girlfriend!

I don't really know, I try to stay away from relationships XD Too big of a commitment for me. I know that boys LOVE IT when you kiss them on the cheek. Well, the guys at my school do. I don't think that guys are big on the whole 'gift' thing. My bestie gave her old boyfriend a picture of them together, in a frame. But she's kinda obsessive, and it actually creeped her boyfriend out, so, depending on the guy, it might not be a good idea. I think just being a good girlfriend in general, and giving him enough attention as he wants, while avoiding gluing your heads together and smothering him with your presence, would be nice enough.

^ Thanks, that's awesome advice!! (The bit about the kiss on the cheek especially!) I will definitely be doing that, but of course not the whole "smothering him with my presence" thing! Lol! You guys are all really helpful. Love you all! =3

I'm not very good at all in relationships.. LOL. I've had a grand total of: Zero, but- I know a thing or two about guys and what makes them comfortable/uncomfortable. Actually, I'm in the midst of my first relationship nao >:3

Anyway, I know that guys really don't care what you talk about alot of the time. They don't want to hear about your best friend Cindy who just broke up with her boyfriend Josh because he kissed Taylor who then told Shara. What they do care about, is what you say about them when you're with your friends. Whether you'll verbally defend them if someone gets up on your case. You know?

Guys aren't really into gifts all that much. Sometimes you can get away with a movie or a cd, but I wouldn't go with anything other than that. I think just telling them that you like them, or love them, is enough for them to smile. :D

Besides, if they really like you, they'll be spending most of their time trying to make YOU smile, and some guys take happiness out of making you happy.

I don't know about the kissing on the cheek thing, that seems way too bold of a thing for me to ever do! But try it if you wish.. o.o; I don't want to give any guys the wrong idea about me O:

There's not much we can do. If you can explain your feelings so openly to us try doing the same to him. Be open with your emotions and feelings toward him and I'm sure that will be good enough.

Just try what you want.if he can't tell your trying your best,I don't think hes right.But try talking to him.Tell him you care and tell him you try and you try to be the best.That can get the message I bet.

I was about to do that, good job though. =3


There is no age for sex. Some un-educated kids have it at 9. Dx
Yeah, those kids are seriously messed up! x_x

Any more advice??

Thanks for your help, *jenny*, but it's not that he can't tell I'm trying. He treats me very specially. It's just me wanting to make him extra happy! =3

He sounds awsome then.The best thing a guy can do is care,respect,and listen to you.He sounds Peachy keen.

^ Thanks, but I've heard everywhere that it's a totally girly thing and it's nice for the boy to do to the girl, not in reverse..

It's just what I've heard.

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