What color tamagotchi to get?


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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2013
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I have enough points on a certain website for free EMS, and found relatively cheap Tamagotchis which are all new too. I wanted opinions on;

+Color [$50]

ID L 15th [$50]

ID [$56]

Leaning towards the 15th Anniversary because of the destinations and characters

I want the Color for seeds and the cool destinations

Yet again, the ID for the characters and photo booth and stuff

help, yey

I think you'll get the most out of it. Destinations are awesome, seeds (!) and LOADS OF HAPPEH SYMBOLS

Also some tamagotchis turn to a different colour with a specific trick (and Kuchipatchi becomes a hero XD)

I would say go for the +color, since they're usually harder to come by and pretty pricey. Sounds like you found a good deal for one. :D

Tamacass is right though. :) The +color is really worth it in my honest opinion. It also has super cute animations. :wub: The +color screen is also slightly bigger than other color tamas that came after it. ;)

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I'd also go for the +color, since it is the oldest color version. That's a great deal for one, and you can never be sure if you will be able to find one at that price for too much longer.

I've heard the P's are the best... but if you don't want to purchase extra pierces (don't the P's have those? If I am mistaken, please correct me!) then go for the id L then. Good luck!

I have the ID L and P's, thats why I was asking for the Color and ID

Anyhow, I've decided to go for the Color because its more fun IMO from the logs and pictures I see, and plus I found some for $50 with free EMS shipping, and its YELLOW, YELLOOOWWWW

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