What colour is your eyes?


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Pixel Horse

Dec 6, 2006
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My eyes is blue crossed too grey so its like the Ocean.

Once someone said (a boy of course)

"Your eyes are as blue like the Ocean Deep down"

That made my day...

what about your eyes?

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Light-Royal blue eyes here. My older sister has lighter blue eyes and my nephew has eyes a bit darker blue than mine :D

It;s realy hard to explane my eyes but i am always told they are beautiful.

Well for startes the black part of my eye is naturally big which adds beauty and my actual colour is like little dots of blue,white,grey,dark blue

I'll try to take a picture

My eyes are blue with a greyish tinge, which make it look like the ocean. I am regularly told they are beautiful, and that makes my day. :mametchi: Not to mention, I have the longest eyelashes you'll ever see.


My eyes are blue with a greyish tinge, which make it look like the ocean. I am regularly told they are beautiful, and that makes my day. :mametchi: Not to mention, I have the longest eyelashes you'll ever see.
I have long eyelashes too!

I know they might look pretty, but Ouch, they poke in your eyes, don't they? :mimitchi:

Wow..... My eyes are just blue. Nothing else added too them, and it makes me think of rain and rain is upseting for me....

My eyes are green. :mametchi:

My mom's and my sister's are green as well, but my dad's are blue. :mimitchi:

Green! everyone says that our eyes look like kiwis and emeralds. they kinda look like this: here but those are from a contact lens site , we don't wear colored conatacts, just clear.

~Reanna & Melody

My eyes is blue crossed too grey so its like the Ocean.
Once someone said (a boy of course)

"Your eyes are as blue like the Ocean Deep down"

That made my day...

what about your eyes?
my eyes are hazel.

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