What Did You Buy Recently?


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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2008
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Pretty self explanitory. What did you buy recently?

I just bought Folie a Deux, no sorry, my MOM just bought Folie a Deux. XD Before that, I spent my own allowance on a Sonata Arctica CD, and KISS L'Arc-En-Ciel. I hope my mom doesn't notice when jellybracelets mysteriously make it in between the tinsel...xDD

Um. I recently bought the music star tamagotchi for my niece an nephew and myself. What else. I went grocery shopping just yesterday (trying to beat the storm). My dish washer is broken so I have to order a new one. Apperently the thing that holds the soap is supposed to pop open automatically when the inside reaches a certain temperature. Mine doesn't do that. So I headed over to sears and picked one out. Looks like I won't be buying anything since its snowing and no one can go anywhere.


Well I just went downtown and rented a movie... idk if that counts as buying but it still costs money ;D

Um, lunch. today. At 1:00pm UK time. Yah. It was yummeh. I've bought a few Wii/DS games for christmas pressies, over the past 2 months, but, I dunno.

Dress two weeks ago

Skittles flavored chapstick xD

Truffles :)

New haircut (You pay for it, so yeah)

Some songs on iTunes

A Bedspread thing

a Laptop


Well I bought myself a Music star, then I bought a new cell phone cause my old one was kinda crappy. I also bought my brother a Rubix cube for Christmas off the internet and the next day they sold out of them, so now he doesn't think he is getting it. :ichigotchi:

I got a outerwear jacket

and my dad bought me my Piccolo

Um,, On... Saturday I bought a black long sleeve thermal t-shirt from Forever 21, a Mocha Moolatte from Dairy Queen, a turkey sandwich from Charlie's Steak, two medium Mountain Dews from Charlies Steak (not at the same time!), a shirt and a headband for my friend for Christmas, a book for a friend for Chrismas...

Yeah, Christmas shopping.

Well.......I forgot x3

But I did Win something reccently :3

A certain contest....xS

Would you be offended if I just, like, jumped through your window and took your CD?Or at least burned it on your computer, had a cup of tea, ate your food, THEN left?

Really, I'm good company.
I have it on MP3 download, so I don't really mind. As long as you don't mind my extreme messy mess.

I bought some knee highs and jelly bracelets at Wal-Mart. I got the ones with pink pompoms and reindeer, but they were all WEIRD. D:< I got them in the way wrong size and they stretched out and looked disgusting, so they're in a drawer somewhere. I got pink and black jellies, but I'm having bad reactions to them and I have big hands and they were a pain in the *** to put on. D:< BLAHFAIL.

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