What did you eat last?


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Yes. I got 24 crayola crayons today!I ate a red one just before. It was odd tasting.

Milkonade = Milk + Lemonade [Or any sort of soda you wish]
I just made a small cup.......

Grape Soda Milkonade is Gross.

But Orange should be better.

Or Rootbeer ...or Cream soda.

But not Grape.

A chocolate bar. For breakfast. ;D

I left my bagel at home. I usually eat a bagel during homeroom. D:

But I forgot it. I normally would just skip breakfast then, but I have a big Biology test next period. And I didn't want to get hungry and not be able to focus or something. -shotforbeinganerd-

I don't remember XD But I'm about to eat either some BBQ chips or fake cheetos... or a ham sammich depending on if I decide to get up or not. I'll probably go for the chips because they're right next to me, lol.

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Well.. Last I had a chicken sandwich now I am eating Mini Jawbreakers.. And they are goooooodd :mellow:

Play Doh, lol.

well I don't really eat it, I just suck on it, chew it up and spit it out. My last real food was.. brownie's from my friend's house that we call "Mutha's Brownies"

My milk.

Its called ''Up & Go'' and it was banana flavoured <333

Yeah, Im a milk addict. MILK FTW!

Melted Chocolate Chips.

Which caused me to almost burn the house down.

So the house now smells like smoke.

Oh Yeah. I'm hazardous with a Microwave, Plastic Container, and chocolate chips.

Yesterday morning, I had cereal.
I just realized I haven't eaten in about 36 hours. I should probably go do that.

I tried to eat an apple last night, but I left it the bathroom and forgot about it.
You're lucky, Feebee. When I get bored I eat. Or if I'm having a depressing hour, I'll comfort eat. Or if I've got some work to do and I need a reason to put it off I'll eat. I'm a big procrastinator. It's a wonder I'm not fat - I guess my body has just gotten used to the fact that I eat stuff a lot. xD

My Mum does not approve of me eating so many in-between snacks, hence the whole sneaking-food-from-fridge thing. ;]

French toast and honey <333

It was delicious. Like Esther, I also have too many in-between snacks. My mum said it hurts your heart ._. But food is yum. So I like food.

Like Esther, I also have too many in-between snacks. My mum said it hurts your heart ._.
-clutches heart and dies-

Joking, joking. My heart is good. Tell your Mum that Esther says her heart feels fine. xD

Except it has a habit of falling for all the wrong boys, and turning them down anyway for friendship reasons..

Eaten Rice Krispys Ohyes but they are boring and kinda tasteless without sugar.

Now I am eating Popcorn and listening to little girls and boys sing camprock songs.. I really cant be botherd to change the channel.

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