What did you eat last?


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pistachios again.

they have 25 grams of fat per 1/2 cup! I'm gonna DIE of fatness!

A cookie. A chocolate chip cookie. A chocolate chip cookie with milk.


Well, we were doing this experiment in science, and we had these little slips of paper that had chemicals all over them, and we were testing flammability or something. She told us that if we ate the paper, we would get horribly sick. So I ate one. SHE LIED.

Then, I discovered three month old m&ms in my locker, which I was kind-of-not-really-but-attempting-a-little to clean out. Of course I ate those also.

I eat a lot of stuff I'm not supposed to.

Some Crackers with Meat, Cheese and Pickles to make a sandwhich type thingy. <3

Or as I'd call it "Cheese , Meat, Crickers and Packles" xD

[i sort of like, switch part of the words "Cracker" and "Pickle" around]

That was like, Yesterday though. Haven't eaten yet today.

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^ you drink muntain dew a lot :chohimetchi:

Hot chocolate from Starbuck's

chocolate ice cream. and coconut shrimp is in the oven, lol.

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