What did you last sit on?


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I'm sitting on a chair, so I guess that's what I last sit on.

If that doesn't count, then a futon. xD

A worn-down wooden chair with no cushion, but it is quite comfy and- -shot for being too descriptive-

Uh.. ok, this is kind of a spammy topic.

There are a heck of a lot of these kinds of 'What did you last...?' topics coming up on the forum so I can see why you think this might be a new, fun topic to put out there... but really... let's keep it real...

Seriously... how many things can you say you last sat on and be telling the truth or just spamming with a repeat of what the last poster wrote...?

For now, I am going to move this to the Fun Stuff forum (but I'll be keeping an eye on it for spam) :angry:

lol ^

A chair.. not the one I'm sitting on now though XD

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