what do guys like?


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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
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i was just curios, what do guys like?i guess at first look , guys dont normaly like me right away but they love me for my pesonality, i am just asking the guys in tama talk, WHY DO GUYS LIKE ME? FOR WHAT RESONS DO GUYS LIKE GURLS?

I honestly have no fricking idea because, naturally, I'm a girl, and I don't know you.

Guys should like you because of you. Not because of body parts or pretty hair.

//.- I myself? I consider myself deformed. XD Even though I know 3 guys who like me..XD

I only date emo, and it works well.

i personally like girls for there personality. but to be serious looks too play a part. you could just be a nice person overall ;)

I dont know why boys like girls. All i know is that it depends on the boy. Some boys like girls for diffrent resons than others. :D

For me it's about personality,and also what we have in common. I'm not going to go out with some girl i don't even know,or have anything in common with. It also depends on the boy. Some boys like different qualitys in a girl.

guys like girls with confidence, power and a good personality.

of course, looks DO matter! if you said they didn't, you'd be lying.

guys want a girl that looks good, but depending on the boy, personality usually matters the most!

if ur trying to get a guy to like you, just be yourself. be confident. be strong. but always stay true to you. :)

and thats the best advice that i can give (im not a boy!!).

would a guy like a girl if she had a "larger" personality. like really outgoing and always smiles? (i'm afraid my crush won't like me because my personality might be overwhelming)

Breast size and skinneyness (woot for using words that don't exsit!) is all guys go by in my school. But, i guess a nice guy would go by personality, and how they see you with your friends.


In schools, especially high school, guys are all about ONE thing. And we all know what that is. Or at least I hope we all know what it is. XD

Well I am not a guy, but I do like girls, so I might be able to be somewhat helpful.

The first thing that catches your eye is appearance. Before you can tell anything about a person, you see how they look, present themselves, etc. Guys (and girls) have different 'types'. Some guys like emo girls, some guys like red heads, some guys like girls with big breasts.

But that is only the first part. A girl might look nice but that doesn't mean you want to have anything to do with her.

Personality and compatibility mean a lot. This is what you want to put forward to the guys you are interested in. Be confident, guys think confidence is hot, and it is. If he sees that you are a strong young woman, he is going to be attracted to that. People will want to be around you. Don't be cocky, just know who you are, what you like and what you dont like.

Another thing is your ability to relate to the guy. If you like the same band, tv show, etc he might think that is really cool and in a way make you closer, as friends or even more.

Just remember to be yourself because guys have a way of seeing though you if you aren't. Because if you arent being yourself you wont have that confidence that is so attractive.

Good luck ladies. Happy boy hunting.

Ooooh! Ooooh! Pick me!! Uhmmm, if I didn't like Taylor, I'd like somebody that wanted to be friends, liked sports, didn't feel werd to talk to, nice, etc.

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i dont thinks guys should like girls bcause of the way they look, and 4 there person ality. but on the other hand i think it matters if u just throw somthing on and not care, i think that they should also like how u reflect your personality in what you wear.

Some guys like girls for their personality, others like girls for their appearance

I like...

1. Girls who are willing not to wear makeup

2. Girls who haven't had more than 5 boyfriends before the age of 18

3. Girls who like me and don't want me to change for their own ideaology

4. Girls who are honest

What I want

1. Girls who have very little experience with guys

2. Girls who like talking to me

3. Girls who have never kissed or anyting "beyond"

4. Girls who are willing to learn.

I don't know but guys like girls with confidence....

If you start talking to the guy and you like some of the things that he likes or all of the things then the guy will think that you are cool....

Most guys like wrestling so I think that will help a little

Nice guys who are like not interested in girls for breast size and skinnyness would like the girls for her personality.....

<I'm a guy so I know pretty good stuff about normal guys>not including emos,goths,etc.>

I'm cool with girls but meh.....XDDD

Girls love me and my best friend.... :huh:

So anyways sometimes it depends if the guy thinks that you are cute....

Do not take guys who have dated more than 10 girls before because they might cheat on you.....

Skinnyness matters to supposedly cool guys but meh....

Anyways that's as much info I have right now....

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