What do I do?!


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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
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I'm terrified, I seriously am. I don't think I'd ever want to meet strangers again.

On Saturday around 7 PM I got assaulted. Two idiots came up to my friend and I and took our phones, then threatened to hurt us while they pointed a gun at my friend's side. I seriously cried all night, I was too scared. This happened in Mexico, by the way. Juarez, Chihuahua.

Yesterday night, my mom kept getting phone calls from them, telling her that they'd kill us as soon as they could. So we disconnected my phone and everything, but what about my contacts in there? I'm afraid they'll threaten my friends, my boyfriend, my family!

What do I do?! I already warned my cousins not to go outside- It's too dangerous. I'm scared, I think I need psychological help, SOMETHING! I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight...What do I do??


No one should ever make you fear for your life. It's time to get the authorities involved.

To sleep, trying listening to some soothing music or eating/drinking a dairy product before you plan on going to bed. (An nutrient in milk is supposed to help put you to sleep...?).

Or, you could take a sleep inducer or some allergy medicine. When I can't sleep, I take Benedryl, and it knocks me right out. You shouldn't do this all the time, but it's probably better than being up all night with anxiety.

EDIT: Typo.

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Like Cinderpelt said, CALL THE POLICE!

Some phones (like mine) tell you all the phone calls you have gotten. It usually says who called you too. Get that number (if you have that phone that you can) and give it to the police and they'll take care of it. Hopely, (which I highly agree) they will be arested and put in jail for a year or two.

Hope those nasty people are put in jail! Oh, and do what Cinderpelt said to do to sleep well! (I want some of that stuff!)


That was freaky because my phone just rang when I read your post o.o

Call the Police. There was a threat, and you need to stay safe.

I agree with everyone else - CALL THE PLEECE!

I just spelt it differently so I wouldn't just be repeating what everyone else said. :3

The police are already after them, that's what I heard. But no one knows who they are or where they are. They were using MY phone to call us, and started threatening my mom. My phone got disconnected now, but I'm afraid I'll keep getting more calls, and I hope my phone dies on them or something. Their car doesn't have a license plate either.

The police are already after them, that's what I heard. But no one knows who they are or where they are. They were using MY phone to call us, and started threatening my mom. My phone got disconnected now, but I'm afraid I'll keep getting more calls, and I hope my phone dies on them or something. Their car doesn't have a license plate either.
Goodness, that's scary. :mimitchi:

Anyway, if your phone is disconnected they can't get the contacts, right?

did you see them??

tell the police what they look like discribe them.

poor you..

just keep a look out for them just incase.

if you can warn everyone you have in your contact list.

in person of course since you dnt have your phone

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