What do I say to them?


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Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
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Summer's ending and I'm going back to school- highschool that is. I went to a magnet school so I left all my other friends from my elementry school behind [except for one- the rest, well I have REALLY bad keeping up with people skills ;_; ]. Anyways, now I'm going to school with all THOSE people and leaving behind [as in not going to the same school] my new friends [i'm going to try to keep in touch this time!].

My problem is, what do I say to these people I haven't seen in three years!?! Do I approach them, or just leave it? What can I talk about with my old best friend for six years [i'm pathetic- she lives on the street behind me >.<] to try to cetch up? She's changed and so have I- should I even try to regain that friendship?

Please, please give me something to go by. I really don't know what to do!


For some reason I've been getting red in the face when I talk to some people [especialy guys- I don't 'like' them if that's what you are going to say- and people I haven't seen for a while]. It's wierd- I'm confident and have nothing to be embarresed about but it just... happens! Then I feel myslef changing colors and that makes it worse! o.o; Any advice/help to get this to stop!



The same happened to me as you said in Scenario 1. One day I invited my old school friend (I joined a different school) and at first I got really sweaty and went red in the face as I was nervous, because I hadn't seen her for ages, but all I did was drop a gentle subject, like holidays, and start talking, and soon enough you'll both be nattering on about the past 6 years and what's happened.

As for scenario 2.. I get that quite a lot where I feel myself burning! It's nothing serious, as I'm a confident person too, it's just a natural thing. Don't worry, just keep your mind off it and don't get shifty eyed, or it will get worse- trust me! PS, Nervous giggles or awkward silences don't help either, so just smile and start on a random subject! Hope it helps. Nectar :huh:

Just be yourself. Maybe you could start a convosation with them by saying 'Hiya [insert Name] I haven't seen you in so long! What have you been doing?' but there will be alot of new people so you could make friends with people you've never met before.

Try not to worry about it because when you get there it won't be as bad as it seems now.

wel, i did kind of the same thing. for three years i didnt talk to my bff so one day i [kind of randomly] called her. we caught up and stuff, now its all good. i think you should go for it! it would probbably be more akward if you saw each other, made eye contact, and didnt talk.

i know how you feel once i had this friend we were like besties and then i moved.... four years later i go to a birthday party and find out that that same girl will be there! I got all nervouse, and didn't know what to say, but when we started talking it was like we were besties again.

U should try it, it feels good to have a friend back.

Jess :angry:


If you haven't kept contact with your old friends for several years consider how much effort they made to keep contact with you :(

It's not as if you dislike each other is it? It's just that life has a habit of taking people on different paths - and sometimes, like now, those paths meet again.

So don't think that it is going to be awkward because it is all your fault. They might be thinking similar thoughts :(

I find the easiest thing to do when I see someone I haven't see for ages is to catch their eye give a wide-eyed, friendly smile. Go straight over to them and say something like "Hi! Wow! I haven't seen you in ages! How are you? You look great/Cool Shoes/*insert other general compliment here*!" That usually breaks the ice and gets the conversation going.


I hate it when that happens. Worrying about it makes it worse - and it's almost impossible to stop worrying about it :furawatchi:

I can't think of a suggestion to make it stop (or I'd be using it myself) but I suppose you could try to think positive and act confidently and you might trick your brain into believing it :furawatchi: For me, the blushes usually start if I think about them, but not if I just jump in and start chatting as if the whole situation is perfectly normal and friendly

*shrugs* that's my 10 cents worth :furawatchi:

Good Luck in the New School :(

I say you should go up to the old friends that you haven't seen in a while and say, "*their name*??? It's *your name*! I haven't seen you in so long? Remember? We used to go to school together. How have you been?"

For the second one just remember that you have nothing to be nervous about and if you have to, practice what you're going to say before you say it.

Good luck!


I would advise you just to be yourself, be calm and confident. She doesn't hate you, right? So then theres nothing to be shy about, just walk p to her and start a conversaitong. (EG. 'Hi, Remember me? It's *You*! How have you been?" That should get things started, plus- you could get her to emember some funny things that you and her did together, i'm sure that would give you a closer realationship with her. I really think that (if she's trustworthy.) then you'll become /again/ fast best friends- if not best firends, atleast friends. Good luck with that.


It's probably just a phase your going through, are you shy? sometimes if your talking to peple, about certain things you get ebmbarressed/shy. So that makes you change color. Or- it could be that your heating up and need to cool down, i highly doubt that but still- nothings impossible. :/ I think it's one of those 'self-countios' things. You must notice it more when your talking to people, than they realise it on you, orrying about it makes you more self-countios. Change the subject or stop that chat, maybe then your blushing habit will go away. :)


#1: Well as long as these people don't hate you or dislike you, you should be fine. However with it being so long it could be tough. I had a friend who got sick and couldn't come to school for 6 months! I visited her alot and saw her when she was at home but when she came back to school it was like we were in 2 different worlds! I realised then it was because I had grown up a bit and I had also had a bit of a personality change. I had gotten into fights with close friends and had been seperated from people for a while. When she came back even though I was still 9 I didn't want to play anymore but she did.. The time you've been away from them will affect you but you should be fine if you try hard.

#2: It's natural. I guess you can't help it. It could be subconssious. Who knows. I don't think you can stop it.

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