What do u feel when u lie?


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Jul 3, 2009
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Seoul,South Korea
I know there is the what is the biggest lie that u did. But this is different.

What do u feel when u lie?

More like stomach ache,head ache,tooth ache or any kind of feeling or ache.

By the way after i lie i always have this weird TUMMY ACHE

GRoan it really hurts. BUT it doesn't last for many hours. Maybe few minutes. that will do.

SO what about u?

Just a shade of guilt and sense of sinister accomplishment. 8D

.. But one time I threw up right after I told a lie. Coincidence, maybe. I don't feel much though otherwise ; P

I feel a bit relieved that I got out of trouble, but I also feel awful because I know I'll be in deeper trouble. xP

I don't lie, though. That's how I felt when I'd lie when I was younger.

I feel terrible. Extremely guilty.

That's why I try not to lie. Though I do occasionally, to get outta trouble. I honestly and truly hate lying and feel reaaally bad afterwards. D:

Lies make me see things.

It makes me think of the future.

How everyone will hate me for one single lie..

I try to not lie so I don't end up shriveling up and dieing xD.

Relieved. I got it over with

Happy. I can probably not get figured out for a long while.

Weird. I feel like loling when someone else gets the blame.

Careless. I told a lie, now it's as important to me as a klen-x box.

If the situation is irrelevant, it doesn't bother me.

But it's the situation is relevant, then I feel guilt.

If it's like a huge lie, I feel guilty

Little wee lies I always let slide.

When I was little I felt guilty for 4 months because I denied called a girl a loser in school XD

If it's just a little white lie that won't really affect anything, I feel nothing. (like when I lied to my friend about not being allowed to use the phone because I didn't want to talk to her xDD)

Big lies... I avoid them. I feel so guilty that it's not even funny. I'm probably the worst liar ever.

A very guilty conscience and a tendency to smile to myself which almost always gives it away.

I get that stomach ache sometimes, think too hard about it, and feel kinda guilty. But little lies sometimes I feel a bit proud of myself for pulling it off. I'm a good liar ;D

I am a 400 foot tall purple flying platypus bear. Honest.

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When I succeed in lying?

A sence of accomplishment! =D

When I don't succceed, oh well. Bring on the fireworks.

If it's something huge like; no, I didn't kill peter pan, then yes,

extremely guilty if I did...

Absolutely nothing.

I don't lie to the people I care about, but when I do lie, I'm too used to it to feel anything. That's probably not a good thing. XD;

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