What do you call cat/humans?


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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
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Okay.. this is random!!

But what is a cat/human?

I think they have a name, right?

Well, if this is true,

please reply cuz I need it in two weeks.


^ I thought Neko was just the japanese word for cat, not a Human-Cat Mix.

I don't know.

Theres a name for a cat, that humans use, to describe certain human things.

But thats much to innapropriate. xD

Oh, okay, thanks, I think I will use Neko, but you can keep spreading names to me if you want 8D

I guess a name would be furries, But that refers to all semi-human animals, not just cats.

Okeh, well Goggle-face, I'll answer your question:

I am taking a Homeschool Cartooning class every two weeks, and we get fun homework. This week's homework is create your own charcatar and bring it in to show the teacher.

How I got the idea of a cat/human charcatar was that I was sort of doodling in my sketchbook while the teacher was talking about cartoon faces, and I drew this really cute girl. then I absentmindingly sketched on ears and a tail.

Then, at the end of the class, I was passing through the hallway and I was showing my kewl drawing to my friends. Then I was just chatting a tiny bit, and walked away a teeny bit for something, and my friend's older sister asked if she could see my.... I forgot what she called it! First I didn't understand, but she explained that a cat/human was called a _____ (whatever she said, but now Neko sounds faintly familar)

And for some reason, she seems mostly like the girl to know these things.

-Okeh, I think I'll use Nekomimi. Sounds cool. (LOL)

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Well, if it's an imaginative homework, and it sounds like it is, then you can make the name up.

If the character you're drawing is make-believe then it's species can be too. :D

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