What do you call your parent(s)?


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Kyuuu~ Idk why, I just always have XDMy friends used to be like "... Why do you call your mom, Mommy? O_O"

And I was like "CAUSE I CAN! DX"

It sounds cute though<3
I know, it does sound cute. ;3

Sometimes if I'm out in public I'm like "Mommy, can I get some of this?" then I'm like. O_O'' *Lowers voice* Yo, Mom, I'm getting this.


I call them Did And Mim beacuse I just think its easier than mom or dad and I like to add I's in my words. Atleast I don't call them Da doo AND Ma moo

I call them Mom and Tom xP

I have very little respect for my dad. So he gets first name treatment.

Mom changes.

It can be 'mom' 'mother' 'mommy' 'momma' or my favorite, 'mooooooooooooommmmm'.

I'm a child xP Really, lol.

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My Mum = Mum

My Dad = Dad

And then sometimes I like to embarrass my Dad by calling him fake girly names like "Bonnie", "Luma", "Paisley" or "Muffy".

Yes, random, I know. :]

mom and daddy

when im with my mom and she dosn't answer me





5.moo ma



I call my mom, "Mom."

I usually call my dad, "Dad," but when I'm talking to someone else about him, I'll be like, "My daddy." Or if I'm whining. I'll be all like, "Daaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddyyyyyy." x3

Mummikins and daddikins. Mummy and daddy occasionally, but most of the time I call them the former.

Mum and Dad coz I'm Australian. And sometimes if I accidentally call him Mum he call me by my brothers name.

I call my mom, mommy, and my dad, daddy. xDD I think it's cute to still call them that.
Sometimes, if my mom says something weird, I'll say, "Mother!!"

And if my dad takes a wrong turn on the street, I'll say, "Father!!"

Same here.

I usually use mom and dad but sometimes I add the y.

Mom- Mommy, mama, mamiiiii, MOTHER, MADRE D:<

Dad- Daddy, dad, papa, papi, FATHER, PADRE


Mom: Ma, Mam, Mom, Mama, Maaaaaaa!, Maaaammm!, Mooooooooom!, Maaaammmmaaaammmaaa, Yo! Mother!

Dad: dude or genius (scarcasticly)

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