What do you do after you have lost enough weight?


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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
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United States, stalking you. Turn around.
I put my friend Ella on a diet because she was overweight and today she is coming over to see how much weight she has lost because there is no scale in her house. We are not sure what to do if she has lost enough weight. Help us please!!!

No, you should always exercise whether you are overweight or not. And always eat healthy foods and control your portions.

Being healthy is something you do for your entire life, you don't just stop.

All has basically been said, but yeah, exercising and eating healthily are compulsary for an average, healthy human being.

It's not just a temporary diet that you can do short-term to look a little slimmer for a while. It's a way of life; a lifestyle choice. It improves your fitness, concentration, moods, disease prevention, everything!

Weight loss is not a destination, but a life long journey.

Most people, once they lost the weight they want, go back to their old habits and put the weight back on. So she has to continue excercising and eating sensibly.

Wait. Wait. Wait.

You put your friend on a diet??

As in you told her to go on one?

Excuse me if I am misunderstanding but I don't think you are in any position to put her on a diet as you aren't her parent or a qualified dietitian.

She's over-weight.

Did you check her BMI and BMR?

Did you take into account the different food groups and her muscle mass?

This seems to be dangerous and I am a bit worried now.

How is her self esteem?

If she has low self esteem and you put her on a diet to help her feel better about herself how is she going to feel if she hasn't lost any weight or even has gained weight - which is known to happen when on a diet.

I'm sorry but I'm really uncomfortable with this situation.


Excersise and a balanced diet is all you need to be healthy and at a healthy weight.

Ok, but what about excersising (Spelling?) Should she stop excersising, or what?
Noo.. even if you are not overweight, you should exercise anyway

Wait. Wait. Wait.
You put your friend on a diet??

As in you told her to go on one?

You are not a doctor, you are in no way to "put someone on a diet."

Many people get sick from this, because they didn't go to a doctor.

I'm sorry, but that is NOT safe.

What type of diet is it anyway?

Don't tell me you told her to eat "mini-meals" or something. No.

Besides, with all the questions you seem to be asking, which are all common knowledge, I wouldn't trust you with my weight, no matter who I was.

I suggest you have her ask her doctor not her friend.

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You can do the wrist method. It's easy, you just put your pointer & your thumb around your wrist, and if the fingers touch.. Yeah. Easier done than said. ._.

But you should ALWAYS ALWAYS consult a doctor before doing any diets or exercises. I hope you just influenced her to do it, not by force.

You are NOT a doctor. You can get somebody sick. Please consult a doctor before doing anything like that.

People, People. I put her on a diet (Influenced her mostly) because she wouldn't listen to the ones her own parents put her on. They are acutally happy that I "put" her on one.

Also, it wasn't like a whole diet plan. I just told her to eat healthier and excersise. She listened.

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I have to agree with the others - kids shouldn't be worried about their weight and putting a diet plan in another young, untrained person's hands could be quite dangerous. If it's that big of a deal, she needs to talk to her parents and doctor.

Why do you think she doesn't have a scale at her house?

I know you want to help, that's great and I admire that you want your friend to be happy and healthy, but you need to encourage her in a different way. You can't take into your own hands a diet for your friend because you don't have the crucial knowledge needed to diet and lose weight safely.

If you really want to help your friend you need to step back from controlling some sort of diet for her and have her talk to her parents about eating healthier and exercising more.

**EDIT: Still, I think that it's not your job to put her on a diet - encourage her to eat healthy and the like but it's just not yours to control, in my opinion.

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I have to agree with the others - kids shouldn't be worried about their weight and putting a diet plan in another young, untrained person's hands could be quite dangerous. If it's that big of a deal, she needs to talk to her parents and doctor. 

Why do you think she doesn't have a scale at her house?


I know you want to help, that's great and I admire that you want your friend to be happy and healthy, but you need to encourage her in a different way. You can't take into your own hands a diet for your friend because you don't have the crucial knowledge needed to diet and lose weight safely.


If you really want to help your friend you need to step back from controlling some sort of diet for her and have her talk to her parents about eating healthier and exercising more.
1. She was 40 pounds overweight. Her doctor even said she should go on a diet.

2. I didn't put her on a crazy diet plan, like starving herself. All I did was influenced her to excersise and eat healthy. Her parents are quite happy with this.

3. After I influenced her, after a month I asked her how she felt, she said healthy and active.

4. I don't control her diet. If I call her and find that she is eating cake, I tell her that it is up to her to be a healthy person.

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1. She was 40 pounds overweight. Her doctor even said she should go on a diet.2. I didn't put her on a crazy diet plan, like starving herself. All I did was influenced her to excersise and eat healthy. Her parents are quite happy with this.

3. After I influenced her, after a month I asked her how she felt, she said healthy and active.

4. I don't control her diet. If I call her and find that she is eating cake, I tell her that it is up to her to be a healthy person.
Thats really nice of you to do that, but a diet can make or break a person..

Always consult a doctor when starting anew exersize or diet. Never EVER start one on your own. It's not safe.

Did you tell her parents that you helped her?

Continue her diet?

It's easier to gain weight than lose it. :/

Thanks for all of your help. :) Even tough there were a few negative comments. >.> Since my question is answered I will get a guide to close this. Ella really appreciates all of your help!!! She gives you all a smiley and a thumbs up.

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