What do you do when you write stories?


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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2006
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When you write stories,

1• does it get difficult to keep the charaters' personalities the same as the beginning?

2• how long do you keep each story?

3• how long do you keep each chapter?

4• how do you know when to end the book?

5• what do you do when you get writer's block? Any tips?

6• how do you get inspiration?

And please post anything else you wanna say about when you write. Please use the numbers when answering.

1• If you keep character profiles on ya, it's fine. Also try running your characters through mary-sue tests frequently. Just in case.

2• Me....I'm a fickle person. I've abandoned every story I've written except the school ones. (hehehe...) So not long.

3• A chapter defines a new happening in the story. When that happening ends end the chapter. But within reason.

4• When it ends.

5• Write about something completaly different. Such as the purple llama of writers block.

6• Good question. I get inspiration by well...I can't actually tell. I think at least 50 thoughts per two seconds. You expect me to know where I get it?
