What do you do with your tamagotchi?


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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
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Since they make new version's almost every year.. what do you do with your old ones?

Do you hide them away in a corner? Do you still look after them?

It's pretty hard for me to play with two tamagotchi's that are different versions from each other. ;)

I leave them in a box... Like, a box of my favourite things. Then, some years later, I'll start them up, one at a time. :(


Now, I apologize if I start flaming or anything, I just get really angry when I see people go, "I can't wait for the new v5!" for some reason.


My first Tamagotchi ever was a v1. I was expecting to keep on ending up with departed Tamagotchi, just like my friends. Surprisingly enough I happened to not end up with any Tamagotchi leaving me. Now my v1's on 97th Generation, just so you know.

A year later I got my v3. I thought I'd love it but once I got it I almost instantly disliked it. The antenna is annoying, the games are long and annoying. I think Tamagotchi are designed for right handers. Now I am right handed just that I use my left hand for Tamagotchi (because of my v1- it's so much easier to operate it with my left hand because of where the keychain is).

I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I want my Tamagotchi to be at the base weight as much as possible. Now, on v1, this was easy so I was easily satisfied. On v3 it's much harder because you must get to the fireworks (or on some games, close enough to the fireworks) to lose 3g of weight. (Sorry, LBS. Bandai continually forgets that Australians use grams, not pounds.)

Next came the v4. I loved it at first but now I absolutely hate it. It's way too choc-a-bloc with games. You have to play games to earn skill points, blah blah blah. And it's so much harder to lose weight too.

Instead of throwing my old Tamagotchi away, I'm throwing my new ones away! Well not exactly. My v3 I use to test out any scoubidou keychains I make and my v4 is back in its package with the tab in and the Mametchi on the screen with all the icons. (Don't ask.)

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