What do you like and dislike about Christmas


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*Unwrapping presents

*Putting up the tree

*The lollies

*Basically everything


(trust me, the first one will be unique to me)

*Christmas is the date my rabbit died in 2008 =(

*Having to think about what to buy for people

*Re-runs of Christmas episodes of shows that we'v seen a hundred times

I really don't like much about Christmas. I used to love it when I was a kid, but the last few years I've dreaded it.

Nearly everything about it just bothers me. The way people act, the music, my family, the shops being packed, etc.

The only thing I like about it is looking at the decorations people put up. I hate putting them up on my own house -.-

Christmas is just a depressing time of year for me. I prefer it goes by as fast as possible, yet it just drags on.

Dislikes: Shopping for presents at 7:00 am to avoid lineups, asking people what they want and getting a response: idk/ get me anything im sure ill love it 8D then you get them something and they're like this

I like everything else about X-mas :(

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