What do you think V4's will be like?


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Well-known member
May 12, 2006
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I think V4's will have like more stuff like resturaunts and stuff.Maybe like the human world.

resturants would be so kewl, i would love it if you could connect and say, go out for dinner, then pick where you want to go to eat (get more places to eat as time you spend with your tama increases) then u can pay they check! that would be so kewl!


That would be cool, :( but I think Bandai overdid it with the characters!!! Thats just my oppinion!!! :p :huh:



that would be cool to have different shops (actually iw would be fun to have a mall) and a cinema, and different restaurants.

Also it would be great, once you have bought a ticket to travel somewhere, to actually see the place, and not only to take the plane. One could have some shopping in, say, Paris or London, or Chile or China...

Another cool stuff would be to see a doctor coming when a tama is ill, and maybe to have your tama going to school (elementary, secondary, university etc...)

oh, and what about tama-radio?

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