What do you think you r?


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Oh gawd, too many soup can statements X.X

I'm stylish, yet punk in a sense of speech, attitude and ocasionally clothing.

I like to keep it at my own standards, dressing and acting how I want, not just because I'm 'emo' or something.

I am fashionably bipolar. My hair has been black, red, white, bleach-blonde, pink-streaked. Sometimes I wake up and go "what the heck" so I end up looking like a hobo. Other times I feel like hiding in myself, so I wear black or grey with my hair over my eyes. Other times I wear rainbow clothes and pigtails and stuff like that. And some times I get my clothes out from the little boys' section and wear that =]

the little boys' section has the coolest clothes.

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As Quoting from One of My Old Siggys

-"Labels. Do We Really need them? They're just a Wall blocking off the Reality of who we Really are"-

Be Yourself. ;)

Do you even know what Ghetto means?
Ain't Ghetto like those kids who are usually African-American, wear Chains, big shirts, baggy pants that hang below yer booty showing yer boxers, and wear alot of gold and talk in Butchered english?


Ain't Ghetto like those kids who are usually African-American, wear Chains, big shirts, baggy pants that hang below yer booty showing yer boxers, and wear alot of gold and talk in Butchered english?

I don't label myself. I hate labels. But I think I'm just different.

I wear abercrombie (kids...the A is not capatilized)...apparently the 'prep store.' Yawn.

I wear Hollister. I wear Aeropostale. That's what I mainly wear.

I listen to bands. I listen to pop. I listen to punk-pop. I listen to whatever I like.

I talk in my own language. Make up my own words.

I act quiet one moment and crazy the next. I get sad for no reason. I get happy for no reason.

My hair has the 'punk-rock' side bang, layers as they are called here. I paint my nails black...and wear them with a pink polo. I love sparkles. I then paint my nails purple.

I am who I am. I am not a 'prep' or 'punk' or 'scene' or anything. Call me what you want. But I won't care. I'm happy the way I am.

That's me.

There are two labels in the world, the "Mature" and the "Immature" xD

Mature - People who don't know how to realease their inner "Retard" LOL

Immature - People who can have fun and be a retard and no-one gives a granola bar. xD

Omg, Its the person who's is Mentally retarded!!! ITS,


I dress how I want and act how I want, I don't let other things infulence me. But their will always be labels and you can never truly be 100% original, and kids try too hard and they only end up like everyone else. You can just be whoever you are on the inside, let your true self show (that was soo lame). Labels will always be their, its human instinct to judge. But it's frustrating, I've been called emo and a punker (I'm not a punk, and I don't that kid knew what a punk was anyway) some kid asked me if I was a "goth" now since I was wearing all black that day. I dress however I feel or want to dress that day, it has nothing to do with what "label" or what kind of "thing" I am.

..I think, no matter how many times the soup can statement goes around, people are still going to label, so..

I think I'm the mixture. In my school, everybody thinks I'm emo or goth.

Around people I don't know or trust well, I'm quiet.

Around my friends, I'm open and snarky. I laugh a lot, and we have a lot of inside jokes that make people look at us weird. xD

I buy my clothes from Hot Topic, because that's just the kind of clothes I like. I'll wear a hoodie with flowers and butterflies on it just as a joke between friends.

My mood varies with how my day has gone so far.

So, yes. I would say.. As far as looks go, goth(ish). Personality, weird one, the fun one to be around if you know me well enough.

Chonga? o.o
I am more Tom-Boy weirdo. But Labels are for Soup
I like Soup! :ichigotchi:

...I do agree. I'm myself, and no one else. (Or am I? :3)


Labels are for cans, not people.

I guess if I was to label myself though, I'd be Goth because I wear black clothes, eye liner and dark lipstick

As Quoting from One of My Old Siggys
-"Labels. Do We Really need them? They're just a Wall blocking off the Reality of who we Really are"-

Be Yourself. :)
What if being yourself means being Emo, goth, or preppy. ^.^

What if being yourself means being Emo, goth, or preppy. ^.^
I don't think so. Once you're labled, you're hiding behind it. You've been catagorized. Like you're stuck in a file cabinet.

I believe in cliques, not labels.

Cliques are groups of friends. Labels start stereotypes...about everything.

And no, not all cliques are mean. You have a clique. Your friends. Stereotypes and labels make it seem that way.

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