What do you think you r?


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not anything but normal, you really shouldn't label yourself anything stupid! If you possibly want to be rememebered a long tme from now and your goth in the future you'll just be gothgirl. or emokid or punky. You probley want to be rememebered by your smarts, braveness, and enteligence. So why waste all your time on make-up and hair and looking just perfect to being a regular person and that's how you will be remembered. if you would like me to give you more advice, ima pm away!


Ain't Ghetto like those kids who are usually African-American, wear Chains, big shirts, baggy pants that hang below yer booty showing yer boxers, and wear alot of gold and talk in Butchered english?
No, Ghetto means you grew up in a ghetto neighborhood. The whole chains and stuff is just a fashion statement. A lot of people with 'ghetto' accents are posers.

Everyone who posted in this thread saying they're emo are far from it.


I'm myself.

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LOL....nice posts...but do any of you know what a chonga is ?

I'm just me ^.^

Personally, I don't think people should label themselves. And you know something else, just because you wear black and wear black eyeliner doesn't make you an emo.

Ill check Urabian Dictonary for what a Chonga is (Urabin Dictonary helps everyone :lol: )

A girl of Hispanic origin, usually between the ages of 12 and 19, but sometimes as young as 8. Primarily found in Miami (most famously, in Hialeah), the chonga is known for her cheap form of dress, a combination of the so-called gangstalook and that of a prostitute, but can vary between the two. She wears ridiculously large hoop earrings large enough to be bracelets, which are usually gold and have their name written in them, and diamond studs high up on her ears. They may also wear thick, gold bangle bracelets in stacks on their arms. Depending on how ghetto she thinks she is, she may wear oversized men's t-shirts with tight, usually white Brazilian pants, with a colored thong worn underneath that shows through (on purpose).

Hmmm.....Interesting xD

Did I post? Well, I don't really have a "style" and I have a drama friend, an "emo" friend, some druggie friends, some more normal friends, some something else of a style which I don't think there is a name for...

I have a lot of different friends but it's not really a group.

Labels= Big nono.

I am myself, and that shall never change.

Labels are stoopeed. c:

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