What do you think you were in a past life?


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2006
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I think I was a cat. I always want sit on peoples knees, I like basking in the sun, and various other things I can't describe.

NB: please don't put anything like "I don't belive in reincarnation why do you it doesn't exist blah blah blah" thats just pointless.

I'd like to say I used to be a cat because of my good eyesight and hearing :( I also like to curl up into a ball when I sleep... xD

Cecib :D

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Lol I think I was a dog/puppy I'm hyper, I eat alot, I'm sometimes over protective, I bite people who make me mad lol, and I have a great sense of smell and hearing. Oh and don't forget my short attention span lol. Or I think I was a monkey I loved clibing my grandmas coconut tree back in Florida until she said "GET DOWN!! I DON'T WANNA HAVE TO CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT TO SAVE A LITTLE GIRL STUCK IN A TREE!" Haha good old grandma oh and I'm pretty funny haha. :(

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A small, furry animal that tends to bite quite a lot more than you would expect. And would possibly have rabies or be found dead by the side of the road.

I'm thinking a cat.

I'm random and have many moods.

I can be very quiet and sleepy,,

Or hyper and all over teh place.

I've always wanted to climb curtains.

And I like to hiss at people. n___n

Chuck Norris.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck NORRIS?!



I had to. x3

I think I was a cat. I always want sit on peoples knees, I like basking in the sun, and various other things I can't describe.
NB: please don't put anything like "I don't belive in reincarnation why do you it doesn't exist blah blah blah" thats just pointless.
:( Dude! Me too!! I used to kinda deny it but when my boyfriend's grandma said I was just like a cat... and my nickname is Neko... and I speak a cat language with my boyfriend..... and I purr when I'm in cirtain moods.... o_O; seriously.... almost everyone I meet thinks I'm cute for some reason...

If I wasn't a cat... it must be somewhere in my genes....

I think I was a Cat.

I like to sleep alot.

I curl up when I'm sleeping.

I Like to Sit on the Arms of Chairs.

PLUS I never stop going on about Cats! LOL

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