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Porcilean dolls! It looks like their eyes are following you!
I agree with you!

I HATE porcilean dolls! I had one on a shelf in my room for the longest time until I made my mom move it. She told me she 'threw it out', but just last week I was digging threw a box in my closet and found it looking up at me o_O. Bah, now I feel like it's going to jump out of my closet every time I open the door.

FS-- :furawatchi:

Furbys creep me out :blink:
We have one and I really don't like it at all.... I take great care not to wake it up :furawatchi:
I don't see why people hate furby's! xD;

I know, you should take the batteries out if you really don't want to wake it up, I like tlaking to mine. <3

Bobbleheads, Trolls, and *shudder* Chia Pets...they're grassy bodies are CREEPY! :furawatchi:

I don't understand why people are freaked out by bratz and my little ponies! I think they're both cute!
The thing that freaks me out the most is furby..................o_O

my little ponies are a little cute.

I think Trollz ( you know , that ones that are supposed to be lucky but look like crack heads with diffrent colored hair ) are extremely freaks o.o" i'm terrified of them! My friend collects them. Everytime I come over she has to put them all away , just for me. xD one time she took it to the club just to scare me.

Believe it or not, this one time, I got this key chain where there is a pig.This pig squirts out poo (even though it doesn't actually come out), and it smells like it too :S

But I lost it though, dang!
I used to have a cow like that.

As for creepiest toy, I think the award goes to this gigantic Furby I had when I was 9 or 10. It was about 20 inches high or so, it wasn't a fully functional Furby but that face was awful, especially at night. Furby was black and red; red with black spots and black hair. My brother won it for me at a theme park and I tried to appreciate it for as long as I could, until I went to bed that night. I've moved so many times that I have no idea what became of it. But that's probably for the better.

When I was little, the award probably would've gone to the infamous Mr. Bucket. Mr. Bucket was this yellow bucket with a clown-ish face that was motorized and moved around. He would spit different colored balls at you, and it was a game really. It came with four shovels in four colors and the balls were in four colors. I don't really remember, but I think you had to scoop up the balls of your color with the shovel. What I do remember about this toy is how much it scared the crap out of me. I would not play with Mr. Bucket; he was too scary.

This is Mr. Bucket.

To all of you afraid of Chucky, I really want a Chucky doll! So cute!

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Well, this really isn't a toy but my brother has a keychain and it says "Party naked" on it 0_o

I don't understand why people are freaked out by bratz and my little ponies! I think they're both cute!
I ask the same question about furby's.

I personally, like bratz, I like making them sing. Of course im the one that does the singing.

Im 12, gosh im so strange for my age- But just keeping the child alive so when im old I can remember what I did when I was young. <3

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