what do you want to be


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
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when i grow up i want to be someone in the RSCPA because i love animals but if i cant do that, i will do something with computers :rolleyes:

Is't there another topic like this?

I want to get a police person Degree, and become part of the A.S.P.C.A

I haven't seen it either.

I want to be something to do with science.


(The last topic like this most likely died ages ago.)

Anyway~ I'd LOVE absolutely LOVE to be a Graphic Designer.

Because I like to design and make pictures and edit pictures on the computer! :mimitchi: ~

I just hope I can be good enough! >.<"

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Actress,singer...or if that doesn't work out, teacher.

I want to become a famous fashion designer. I have been sketching more and more dresses,skirts,shoes, and tops. I will probally go to Fashion school or something liek that.



I want to be a famous softball player in the olympics. I also want to be a very famous author but that can happen before I become an adult.

Starting August or September I'll be working in a Nursery full time whilst getting my Degree. And after that I'll decide if I want to go to a University and study to be a Teacher or be on the highest paid Teaching Assistant [which I won't need to go to uni for]. But it all depends how I feel when the time comes ^_^ .

I love acting, but if not, maybe a lawyer, or a teacher. But I really want to act.

i have many differn't things i would like to be

1. A person that works with green peace

2. forensic scientist

3. comedian

4. writter

5. artist

and thats in order

I will be the next Steven Speilburg! I want to be a director. I have sooo many good visions for movies. Also, a lot of books I've read would make awsome movies! Another thing is that I MUST be in control, especially when it comes to filming. I don't know why filming, but I must. I am going to be rich and famous!!! ;)

But if all else fails, I'd settle for an english teacher and a writer as well. :wacko:

A video game designer for Nintendo. I would really like to make new Mario and Pokemon games.

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