What do your parents do to embarass you?


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2009
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My mum doesn't embarass me that much. She gives me my own bit of freedom with out letting me run loose

But she tries to act younger than she is x_x

And now she's singing along to her mp4......and she can't sing

If anyone in the world were to have my mother, they'd pretty much die.

Though I'm used to it. She still walks me to school, cuz she 'wants' to. She still gives me huge goodbye and goodnight kisses. She meows like a cat in front of all my friends.

And that's why I love her.

My mom always tell me to "go take a pee" if I am leaving someone's house. :| I think I can make that desicion for myself.

And when all my friends are allowed to go somewhere, I'm usually not allowed, but if I am, my mom will spend like, 20 minutes talking to me (really loudly, too, so everyone can hear)

telling me to bring a sweater, make sure I have a phone, to call her while on the way there, and when I get there, and not to talk to strangers...things like that.

Whenever I'm on the phone with her, and one of my friends is waiting for me, my mom always keeps talking and talking when I try to say goodbye. It's quite embaressing.

The worst thing of all? When she turns on the radio in the car, or hears a song in a store or something, she'll start dancing like a hoochy-mama, make this weird face, and sing.

I'm always just like, "No..please stop..." I hate it. xD

My mum has seven bumper stickers on her car. Three of them state that she's pro choice (which could upset some people if they read them.) One other is a Darwin fish, which might also upset a couple people if they saw it. The rest are just random ones that are mildly embarrassing. I guess my pet peeve is way too many bumper stickers on the back of someones car. Like one is okay...but seven is embarrassing, especially if some of them have controversial opinions stated on them. I get really embarrassed if i get picked up from school in it. But luckily she let my grandma borrow it, so i dont have to be seen in it for a while.

I think it's more the other way round in my family.

I'm the one embarrassing her.

Mum doesn't really embarrass me much. Except when she cheers to loudly at my dance competitions/races.

Dad? Well, he cares about me very much. Sometimes he sings in public... o_o

my mum shouts and talks to the compie mega cringe when my friends are around

my dad is just soooooo rude it is unbelivable lol

Mom doesn't really embarrass me. Well, not in public. xD

Dad. =_=; Dad sings, walks weird, and dances in public. He's such a weirdo. XD But I love him. x3

My mom's actually not really embarrassing. She says some stupid things now and again, but it's mostly things that came out wrong, or ends up being funny.

I think I embarrass her more xP

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