What do your PARENTS think about Tamagotchis?


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My parents don't not like them, they let me use their eBay, and if they're out without me, and find a cheap Tama-related thing, they'll get it for me. :3 Plus, my dad can't complain, he collects Hot Wheels and model cars, and my Mum used to collect Cabbage Patch dolls. Our family loves toys. :D

My dad got me my first one though it wasn't really mine, my dad got me a p1 when I was 1year old and told my mom "I'll get it for ZuZu!" (my nickname in real life btw) but of couse knowing full well a 1 year old could not understand how to use it or enjoy it, he got it. played with it for what I estimate, a week. and put it into storage. <_<

I bugg him to find it and give it to me but he is a lazy dad :p

currently my mom thinks they are adorable, dad says meh.

Well... My dad says buy them when he isn't around... He knows I love them. Then my mom usually will buy me one if I ask... But I think she is slightly interested since I got my IDL and showed my Mametchi Growth 4 happy stamps... The characters still confuse her but oh well, work in progress yet. Lol. Pineapple Girl made her ask why is it a Pineapple... Um. Because. (I wouldn't know myself, but its still cute to me.)

I would think so.... They just want you to learn:]

My mom thanks its weird that I spend my money on them and not clothes XD I always say I collect them, but either way she doesn't care. I always tell her "At least I'm not doing drugs, right?" Haha.

My dad doesn't care either. He's never said anything about them. My mom has always had a soft spot to staying no though. I remember when the v4.5 came out I was at Target and I bought one. We cam home and I begged my mom to buy me another one XD Just just said "don't tell dad".

My parents judge it a little, me being 18 and all. But there isnt much they can do. Mom did say I should stop spending money on them. That was before I ordered both a +Color and an ID L. SO I hope I can intercept the mail before they see it. And when they do see me playing it. I'm gonna say "an online friend from Japan sent it to me" or "I bid and won it on Listia.com" or just lie about the price.

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