What does your school allow?


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
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Okay... So my school doesn't allow iPods, mp3s, phones, Tamagotchis (in class, in your locker its okay), radios, or anything! Is anyone else more fortunate than I? :eek: ;) ^_^

iPods or MP3's are allowed during recess hours only, but nowhere else.

Forget Tamagotchis and Cell Phones. They're not allowed.

You can get things like MP3 players and cell phones taken away. They allow calculators [actualy, you can draw on it and get games for the graphing calculators] and watches. xP

I don't think most teachers would even recognize a tamagotchi!

My school doesn't allow any electronics unless they're part of learning. (Like calculators and stuff.) They're afraid that someone might get their iPod stollen, and then the school would get sued.

As of this year, we're not allowed..

-Cameras (in fear of people getting their pictures posted on the internet and stuff..)

-Cellphones (only reason because some have cameras)

-MP3 Players (same as cellphones)

-Gameboys (Because our school sucks)

Or anything else really. It's all stupid. None of the teachers agree with this, but the only person that made this rule was the principal. We still bring our stuff, but teachers tell us to be careful, hehe..

We're aloud anything, aslong as it's not on in lessons. And, it's under our own risk. ^^

If it gets stolen it's our fault basicall.y

We're not allowed to bring any electronics into my school unless its part of learning. We are allowed to bring cell phones though, as long as its turned off and we're allowed to wear watches.

But I secretly bring my Tamagotchi to school.

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we aren't supposed to have phones in our school.. but we can keep them in our lockers.. most people don;t though...

My school is soo dumb! No cellphones,game devices [like the PSP or Gameboy],I-pods,Calculators,MP3 players,lasers,camers,watches or anything else fun that will ''Disturb our learning'' I agree with the lasers you can blind someone but come one how dumb is that?!

Don't remember :\ I don't bring anything to school. I bring my arsenal of art supplies and thats about it.. x3

Cellphones, tamagotchis, gameboys....and, eh, thats all I can think of. iPods and MP3 players are allowed I think because my friends had theirs on the bus when we were going on a school trip and the teacher didn't take it away. Even though she walked right up to them and saw it in their ears . She didn't care, so I think it's allowde. Or mayeb it was just because it was a school trip. :p

at my old school we couldnt bring anything (sometimes mp3 players on the bus if the bus driver says yes) but next year at my new middle school we can have ipods,mp3 players,cell phones,and prolly tamagotchi's im not sure

At my elementary school we couldn't bring anything, Tamagotchis during recess was okay though. Nowadays in middle school, we can bring iPods, Mp3 players and cell phones onto the premises but we can't use them. (But we can use cell phones on certain occasions). I don't know about Tamagotchis, but probably not.


They don't allow Electronics of Any sort for some reason. Even though practically everyone brings Cell Phones and MP3's.

If you get caught with one during school hours they automatically take it away and refuse to give it back unless it's a Doctors order >< My Tamagotchi never have gotten confinscated though.

I sneak my Digital camera sometimes, but because of ***hats on my schoolbus and having a Old retard for a Bus driver, I got yelled at for having it out and him threatening to break it.

My school is soo dumb! No cellphones,game devices [like the PSP or Gameboy],I-pods,Calculators,MP3 players,lasers,camers,watches or anything else fun that will ''Disturb our learning'' I agree with the lasers you can blind someone but come one how dumb is that?!
I don't know why the schools are considered dumb for not allowing that sort of thing. What if cell phones were allowed to be kept on- all day. Do you know how distracting that would be? Or if some chic behind you is listening to her iPod so loud you can hear it and you are trying to take a major test. Or you could be so involved with your tama that you didn't hear the teacher say there was a test tomarrow so study and you didn't so you failed. Cameras in locker rooms is a definite no-no.

There's reasons to those rules and I'm glad they have them.

Don't remember :\ I don't bring anything to school. I bring my arsenal of art supplies and thats about it.. x3
You have an ARSENAL of art supplies? o.o

*backs away*


I don't normally bring any electronics besides a calculator and a cellphone which is off unless I have to place an emergency phone call. We can't bring Ipods, MP3 players, Cameras, Toys (like Nintendo DS) or any other of that sort. We can bring cellphones as long as we keep them off unless in the conditions stated.

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