What does your username mean?


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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2007
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What does yours mean?

Mine might be a bit difficult to figure out on your own. Mine is sort of my style. Premo. Its sort of a mix or Prep and Emo. Before you jump to conclusions, NO I DO NOT CUT MY SELF OR HURT MY SELF IN ANYWAY! I love my life very much. Anyways, my "prep" side is that I'm a bit girly. I love shopping, I have tons of shoes, I wear make-up, it takes me forever to do my hair, it takes me forever to get ready, I hate getting dirty and I love cute clothes (if its cute to me, then its cute, my clothes may not be too cute to you). My emo side is that I shop for almost all my clothes at Hot Topic, I wear black mascara, black eyeliner, and black eyeshadow, I have an emo hairstyle, and I wear lots of dark clothing, but I don't cut myself and I love life. The Chick part of my username is, well, obvious. I'm a girl.

Anyways, what does your username mean?


Well my nickname is Chelbell but when I tryed to make that my username it would not let me so I changed it a bit and added 123 obviously.

Tama -This is a tamagotchi site...besides, I made this account when I was obsessed with tamas xD

Girl -Quite obvious...I'm a girl ;)

Desy -Desy is my kitty kat! '___'

[SIZE=7pt]Saku is short for Sakura.[/SIZE]


Sakura as in cherry blossoms. (Love them ;) )

Sakura as in my favorite Naruto character. (Hehe)

And Sakura as in Sakura Drops. (By Utada Hikaru<3)

Idk, Saku just stuck to me. xD

My name is Crystal and one of my BF's made a book for all of us. She played with our names and mine was Kriztail but I like Christail better. (Ashleigh: Ashwee and Christine: Christeen) And I obviously added ~_________~.

xx Chrissy

Oh me and my sis use to share this account but not anymore. We were such good friends we called it Rockin Sisters but I said change the "I" into a "E" So thats how I got RockenSisters.

a name i made for my self on bebo and its stuck :D

but most people just call em vampy for short

or wam wam but i dont know how they get wam wam from lil miss vampire

the 13 is becasue thats the date i was born

I was going to call my self ribbon, but that seemed plain, I wanted something I could abbreviate, so I ended up with ribbo, And it's just stuck- everybody knows me as rib now. xD;

It's a... thing... that lives in the water.

Google it? c:

It means nothing whatsoever to me...

Although, I'm pretty sure everyone could work mine out! :)

If you can't, UT is my favorite Tamagotchi character :)

Filter, it's simple, short and sweet.

I love using real words. =D


-My name has an F in it, so by insinct, I wanted a word beginning with F.

-Ilter comes from a fursona I used to have, named Ilter.


Result: Filter.

Dictionary's view of Filter...

-1. any substance, as cloth, paper, porous porcelain, or a layer of charcoal or sand, through which liquid or gas is passed to remove suspended impurities or to recover solids.

2. any device, as a tank or tube, containing such a substance for filtering.

3. any of various analogous devices, as for removing dust from air or impurities from tobacco smoke, or for eliminating certain kinds of light rays.

4. Informal. a filter-tipped cigarette or cigar.

5. Photography. a lens screen of dyed gelatin or glass for controlling the rendering of color or for diminishing the intensity of light.

6. Electronics, Physics. a circuit or device that passes certain frequencies and blocks others.

7. Mathematics. a collection of subsets of a topological space, having the properties that the intersection of two subsets in the collection is a subset in the collection and that any set containing a subset in the collection is in the collection.

–verb (used with object) 8. to remove by the action of a filter.

9. to act as a filter for; to slow or partially obstruct the passage of: The thick leaves filtered the sunlight.

10. to pass through or as through a filter.

–verb (used without object) 11. to pass or slip through slowly, as through an obstruction or a filter: Enemy agents managed to filter into the embattled country.

Just look at the details of the name and you'll know.

The letters were just from my old account :)

Just something I thought was random!

Mine is because I love M&M's and Em.N.Em is my nickname among my parents, teachers, friends, and classmates.

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