What does your username mean?


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My pretty simple username.......this is its ingredients >_<

jessy- It's my name Jessica,of course! :)

1996-The world's worst,year,I WAS BORN! D:

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Tama- cuase i like em

girl- cause i'm a girl

#1- cause i'm a tamagirl#1!!

Mine because I love candy and of course I'm a girl lol! And the 93 doesn't mean anything :3!

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I was trying to name myself "Tamagotchiconnection" XD But someone beat me. So I was browsing a Tamagotchi community and found this Username. Stuck to me


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Po·lar·oid /ˈpoʊləˌrɔɪd/ [poh-luh-roid]


1. a brand of material for producing polarized light from unpolarized light by dichroism, consisting typically of a stretched sheet of colorless plastic treated with an iodine solution so as to have long, thin, parallel chains of polymeric molecules containing conductive iodine atoms. It is used widely in optical and lighting devices to reduce glare.

Mine, I named after my teddy bear. Ok so I like to play with stuffed animals, my favorite: Bi (BB) has a talk show called: Talk Show Host BB!!


~Ruby(it's Ruby_Red_Robin)~

Skippy is my [first] dog's name. ^^

The '~' was just something I picked at random. I also thought it looked neat. xD

And Tama, obviously, because I liked Tamagotchis at the time.. Pretty simple.

Well, the Xx- and -xX look cool, I think, and the rest is straightforward:

Tama~~~Basically Tamagotchi

Girl~~~I'm a girl

Beth~~~My name

Yeah. :furawatchi:


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Skippy is my [first] dog's name. ^^The '~' was just something I picked at random. I also thought it looked neat. xD

And Tama, obviously, because I liked Tamagotchis at the time.. Pretty simple.
Bahaa, Skippy is my nickname. ^^

And you don't want to know why. ;)

I forget if I posted here-

My username consists of a last minute obsession for Tamas, my love for cats, and an old desire to be a spy.

I was trying to name myself "Tamagotchiconnection" XD But someone beat me. So I was browsing a Tamagotchi community and found this Username. Stuck to me

lol. I can remember :D

my username means I'm kinda like ura mametchi cos he has a very good sense of humour and always laughs and so do I! :rolleyes:

Well my favorite character in Warriors was Crowfeather, but I didn't like that much, so I got CrowFrost. Then I got mad at my old account and I made this one...with the ~ thing.

Nothing exciting, but I am well known by it. Most people call me Crow, Crowy or Croweh. <3 Some cal me Van or Vannah to. Even Tae or Kat.

Mine is the title of an awesome Misfits song.
It's also the title of an Iron Maiden song that I haven't heard.
I love that song and I LOVE the Misfits! They're awesome!


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