what drink is the best.if you could have one


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er... i don't really like water, it tastes a bit funny... but i like juice!! :rolleyes:

Water. It's easy on my stomach.. :] well as long as I don't have too much. xP

I'd drink water.

If water was included, then either Orange Juice or Coke.

Either coke or milk, i wouldnt care if i didnt live for long. Id just be happy that i had nothing to regret!

Mmmm Coke and Milk :D

Cya! :lol:

Powerade!! The reeedd kind! I hate water all by itself its ewehh. It dosnt have a taste and I seem to hate the taste of no taste you gettin' me here?

For a Regular Drink? Probably Root Beer, or Juice, Or occasionally Chocolate milk. Only sometimes though

I rarely drink water, its just, blah. I hate cold water, I'd rather have like, Room Temperature water with a few ice-cubes in it.

As for Alchohol, Pina Colada for sure. <3

Well, I'd pick water, because I'd painfully dehydrate without it. D:
But out of other liquids, I'd pick WINE. :D

If I wanted to pick something LEGAL (Goshdarnit, so many restrictions. >w<), I'd definately go with Mountain Dew. I need caffeine on a daily basis. x3
Mountian Dew was banned where I live. (My mom told me when we watched Monster House a year or two ago. It wasn't the best movie I've ever seen, but it was OK.)

....I'm not sure what I would choose. I'll go with the majority and say water. :D

Tama :lol: Phantom

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