What Drinks Have You Mixed Together?


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Once I went to the movies and this really really hyper lady that worked there offered us a drink, mixed with pink lemonade and sprite. It's good xD<3

When I go to North Carolina every year with my cousin, we mix the local pop, Sun Drop (Similar to Mountain Dew), with orange juice. We usually sugar the glasses and throw in a few sliced limes/lemons. O:

I love doing Suicides. They're delicious. Especially with Dr. Pepper. (My favorite soda of all time!)

Also, went to a random school's cafeteria, and added all the juices together =]

All credit to Ksenia. ©
Milk + Any beverage = 8D

I think I added milk to root beer. 8]
Lolio, Krystal. Milkonade is now officially TT's aswell.

Yeah, Milkonade is milk mixed with any type of lemonade. It's seriously delicious. Tastes amazing <3.

Hot chocolate, Coke, Orange Crush. Tastes gross at first, but it's addicting =].

Coca-Cola and Irn Bru. So nice.

Vanilla essence, blue food colouring, milk, and cherryade. Tastes terrible.

On Holiday there was one of them drink things where you put a paper cup under and the drink comes out, and I mixed 7up, Sprite, Coke, Fanta Orange, Fanta Lemon and Carbonated Water. Tasted good. xD I think there was other stuff as well but I can't remember.

I only just made some cordial mixed with mango juice. Its amazing, but not as great as milkonade.

I also tried cordial on top of bread. It makes the bread soggy and I love soggy things 8D. Lolio. Its yummy... and add sugar on top... YUMMMM.

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