What DS Do You Prefer and What Color Is Yours?


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My DS Lite is limited edition. It is metallic rose with a paw print on it because it came with the game Nintendogs - Best Friends. I also have the games - New Super Mario Bros, Yoshi's Island Ds and Animal Crossing (I love it!). Anyway on Sunday I brought it to a resturant to me and I had a headphone thing attached to it so I could hear it because it was really loud in the resturant and I dropped my stylus on the ground so my dad had to pick it up for me because it was really dark under the table. Then when we were leaving the headphone got caught on me and my DS was on the edge of the table then it started to fall and I caught it just in time before it hit the ground! Another funny story is that my friend dropped her mom's DS in the snow on the sidewalknotice. Then they were trying to find it and they couldn't. Eventually they found it on the sidewalk and it wasn't broken or crushed or anything! Now that's lucky!

The original DS was just ugly. There, I said it.

I have a white lite and i love it. My boyfriend has a black one. We have both dropped them numerous times and everything is still just fine. I know my friend has an original and he loves to abuse it just because it is indestructible. I have never seen a DS lite break but I dont want to try what he does to compare.

i have silver and its dirty my friends make fun of me because its the old version
First, don't shout at people. It ends up in a flame war. If someone likes it, it doesn't mean they are completely mad about it!

Second, don't double post.

I know I'm being bossy, but that is against the rules.

A black Lite. I love it. You should get a case for yours if you drop it. I have an orange case...so it's Halloween-ish.

My old DS was dropped on the floor multiple times and it's fine. I've gone through 3 DS Lites. And I dropped them on carpets.
Be more careful! Shesh! :)

I mean, 4 DS's???

Lol that's crazy!

I mean, how do you manage to always drop them?

Lite's are better, because I think they're better for your eyes.

mametchi ^_^

I have a White DS Lite and a Blue Original DS.

I prefer my Original, Blue DS. ;)

My friend has an awesome GOLD DS Lite!!

I prefer the old DS.My sister shaked my DS lite and it broke! Its at Nintendo for repairs rigth now.
Shaked? ^_^ How does that work?

My cousins DS's hinge broke, so it flops around. It still works, though.

i prefer the Ds lite they are smaller lighter and are much easier to carry around

i have a pink one with a case saying nintendogs

i Have a origanl silver ds and a pink ds lite i perefer the ds lite because the hinge on my old oone broke cos i droped it down the staris same thing happand to my pink one and it didnt break n the mic is in a better place :poh yeah and i have a blue case with mario and luigi on it

and yesterday i lost my pink DS lite and the i played my old one and i thourght my eyes were blurry because the DS lites are lighter

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