What font is this?


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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I found this font on this girl's myspace and I like it.

Here it is (her name is Kaylee. XD) clicky

Every time I paste it in Word, it comes up as Verdana, formatted bold. But it's not it.

What font is that, or how do you have to format the font to get that?

GRRR. I don't know but it's beautiful! 8DD

I'll keep searching. o:< We will find it!

Edit;; This one's close, but not quite...

P.S. If you do find it, tell me too. xD

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It reminds me a bit of Century Gothic, but darker, and closer together. I like it. And I'll keep looking.

How do you add "condensed" a font?

edit: I found how to on word, but this is on myspace. How do you do that?

double edit: I was testing on word and the font is Century Gothic, condensed.

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^ It is? OOO:

How do you condense it? -shot-

Edit;; Fail, I got it. x33 It's so pretty. o:

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By any chance, what is the font on this youtube page?

(I was a suggested Channel. xD I don't like supermac)

https://www.youtube.com/user/supermac18 I think this is more like the font.

Note: The A's are not similar because I think "Kaylee" used this ---> α Symbol instead of an average A. So I'm thinking The fond on the youtube if the font I'm looking for.

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Wait---how do you condense it? I love Century Gothic--this would be helpful.

I can't say I know what the youtube one is though. D:

Diva -- Choose the font Century Gothic in Word. Then up at the top click on Format. Then click the button that says, 'Font...'. Once you're there, click on Character Spacing and choose condensed on the second bar thingy. xD And then how condensed you want it to look. I'd recommend by 3 points. 8D (If the size is at like... 18) Just experiment.

I'm not sure what the Youtube one is.. but I'll look!

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The youtube one looks exactly what I'm looking for. Because Century gothic is a little thick on my myspace. (think you have to change the "text width" to, for example " -2 " to condense it.)

Thanks, Krystal. It's a bit different on Open Office, but I've got it.

I wanna say the youtube one is Century Gothic too, but it isn't. The a is different. It's very close looking, though.

EDIT: On OpenOffice, there's a font called "Kalinga" that looks sort of like the YouTube one. But upon googling it, Microsoft has it very different--so I'm a bit confused.

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^ I'd like that font.

I've tried and tried but I don't get it. D: I download it and then extract the files but I don't know how to get it in Word...?

Go to your control panel, click the 'Fonts' folder, then drag the .ttf files into it.

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