What grade are you going to next year?


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Wow. I'm so scared to post..... I'm going to the... *drum roll* 8th grade!

WhereEaglesDare- it would've been better if you edited your 2nd post, and something like "Whoops, Double post". :D I'm not scared... It's like a rollercoaster ride... Good times, neutral times, and bad times..

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I'll Be Going to 9th grade. Though, with the marks i had with my report card at the last day of school, The School im going to next year could easily send me back to grade 8 or possibly 7. o_O

8th Grade! *shivers* only one year left with my closest friends. My enemy is going to my highschool with me after 8th grade and all my friends are going to a different one! :blink: LOL Maybe that's a good thing. I can't wait till grade 8 grad.

*sigh* The years go by so fast!

Me? I'm going into 7th grade next year. Our school is different, so Middle School starts in 5th grade, and in 5th and 6th grade, you are downstairs, but in the 7th and 8th grade, your classes are almost all (except for P.E. and lunch, they're downstairs)! A flight of stairs, woohoo! (not). I'm scared, though, because the Middle School is split up into 3 "academies". I was in Washington in 5th and 6th, and I loved it! But it's different upstairs... I don't know which academy I'm going into and I really want to be in the same one with my friends!!! My teachers all know who my best friends are and they all know we hang out a lot and stuff, and they're nice, so maybe the'll put us in the same academy! (there's 2 classes for each grade in each academy, but I just care that there's at least one of my friends in my regular classes, and the rest of my friends in the same academy (that's how it was last year and the year before, anyways). *shivers*........

im going to the 4th grade in august 22nd im a pre-teen!!!!! :D

I'm going to the 7th grade in a whole new school. Sadly, they do not provide the cirriculumn I need (Algebra, Advanced History and Science etc) so I think they may put me in with the 8th graders for most of my classes.

I am going to 7th grade!!!! ^_^ where did 6th and 5th grade go!!!

I going to grade 5 (I think thats Year 5 in Uk)

Im exited becuase we get the new teacher to the school :blink:

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