What grade r u in?


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seventh gradular


I started school early && skipped a grade

so I'm younger than you :]

7th grade.


I don't want to graduate.... Because manny[My friend] will be playing for my Graduation next year. It'll be so painful leaving my favorite teachers, and my friend, Manny.

I sounded emo. xD ps, I'll be playing for Drew 's graduation this year. ;____;

But, I will be in Marching Band if I DO graduate.

And: I'll get to se Drew[When he's in 11th grade. xD] and Manny[When he's a freshie.].

5th year (not including kindergarten)

Although I was suppost to be in 4th... I skipped a year due to high grades. :(

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Freshman I'm a noob to high school but I act more like a goofy sophomore xD.

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