What Happened to all the...


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I never Really Payed Attention To all that Madeleine Mcann Stuff. Then again, I thought People would Still be talking about it non-Stop. I Thought that it would end up just as big as that Jon-Bennet Ramsey Ordeal. (that Little 6 year old, that got killed a long long long Time ago. Was on the news, magazines everything)

But Yeah, poor kid. ;)

But if you think about it, people can't talk about it for the next 10 years can they? There are other tragedies that people are focusing on such as a place near where I live - A 87 year old woman was raped, and all she was doing was trying to be nice and help the man because he had nowhere else to stay.

I also heard in the news that they have found out she may be dead.

I do get your point. And the article made me very sad for Maddie.

Check this one out. What kind of cruel person would take a completely inncocent little girl like that, and just discard her as if she was a piece of trash, not a little girl? Reports are saying that she might have died in the hotel a while ago, but only the predators themselves know for sure. Well, all I know is that it is'nt our full responsibility to save her, but there are some certain ways that we can continue to help. We're not going crazy about finding her, because we have other important things to worry about.

Baybee-x, that is horrible. I am just terribly sorry for a woman like her.

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I do get your point. And the article made me very sad for Maddie. Check this one out. What kind of cruel person would take a completely inncocent little girl like that, and just discard her as if she was a piece of trash, not a little girl? Reports are saying that she might have died in the hotel a while ago, but only the predators themselves know for sure. Well, all I know is that it is'nt our full responsibility to save her, but there are some certain ways that we can continue to help. We're not going crazy about finding her, because we have other important things to worry about.

Baybee-x, that is horrible. :( I'm so sorry for her. That is just heartbreaking.
Yeah its sad...

I did think it was really sad in the beginning. But as more and more time passed, and they still couldn't find her, the tragedy kind of wore down until people just had to face the truth that Maddy is probably dead.

It seems most likely press got the story, but people started getting tired of hearing the same thing..

It doesn't give the whole thing an any happier ending, though.

Yeah, I agree with Skippy Tama. And baybee-x, that is just horrible. That makes me very sad to hear about the cruelness of a man toward a very eldery lady.

This child concearns me, shes been in my prayers ever since May 3rd. She was a beautiful innocent child, who had a family that loved her. She loved them, and has been taken away from them. If she was killed, bless her little soul. She was a precious baby, a loving older sister, and a girl who just happened to be very important to her parents. No matter if she has been taken by someone who wanted a child of their own, or just for their own "pleasures" they need to be punished. I hope and pray the child is alive, for her family, and for the releif of all who care. May she be returned home with my bruises, cuts, any injuries at all, but just a tear running down her face as she runs back to mommy and daddy. That would be one true blessing. She had a meaning to her family, to people that knew her. They would like to see her grow up, to be a normal kid and be happy. Even if she was returned, she still wouldn't be the same. She may have something wrong with her, as she was kidnapped, and it may have an impact on her. I hope that where ever she is, she is not afraid, she is not hurt, but she is waiting to be rescued, she knows the world is waiting for her safe return. Her family needs her, her little brother and sister need her, and it would be a huge releif to knows shes safe at home with mommy and daddy.

My heart goes out her famil, and to her poor little soul. If shes been killed, I


I was sad about the dissapearance, but now i just think it's getting out of hand.

I'm getting tired of hearing about her non-stop- I think it's abit obvious that she's dead..

But her parents don't want to beleive that, they want everyone to go ith them and keep searching.

I think that's careless on ll the other children that have gone missing- Maddy is popular EVERYWHERE.

I think we would have found her by now.

That's My opinion- we each have our own.

I was sad about the dissapearance, but now i just think it's getting out of hand.I'm getting tired of hearing about her non-stop- I think it's abit obvious that she's dead..

But her parents don't want to beleive that, they want everyone to go ith them and keep searching.

I think that's careless on ll the other children that have gone missing- Maddy is popular EVERYWHERE.

I think we would have found her by now.

That's My opinion- we each have our own.
I agree with you. And plus the parents can't believe it because this all could've been avoided. If they had at least gotten a babysitter to take care of the kids while they went out this might've never happened. But she gets all the attention even though she's most likely dead. I don't get it, there are hundreds or thousands of kids missing but this kid gets the most attention for no apparent reason. :(

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I agree with you. And plus the parents can't believe it because this all could've been avoided. If they had at least gotten a babysitter to take care of the kids while they went out this might've never happened. But she gets all the attention even though she's most likely dead. I don't get it, there are hundreds or thousands of kids missing but this kid gets the most attention for no apparent reason. :(
Exactly the point- The police wouldn't have taken any interest apart from that fact that the 3 children were kept inside- no supervision at all.

I also saw on the news that the police where saying, "she the Mcans up" and they were accusing the parents of killing maddy because they found blood in the room.

I just think everyone is getting to obsessed over this. :chohimetchi:

It's not like she's the only missing child in the world- there are thousands if not millions of childred that have been abducted so why was she so different? It pisses me off that other missing kids can't get the same publicity because the people that loves them just can't cry as loud.

It's very unfortunant and I pray she is ok and her family heals also, but this could have been prevented or at least helped.

I think just because her parents want the world to know about her abuduction dosen't make any other abducted children less importanat. I wish all abducted childrens- parents the best. I hope that the page you posted is false.

Exactly the point- The police wouldn't have taken any interest apart from that fact that the 3 children were kept inside- no supervision at all.I also saw on the news that the police where saying, "she the Mcans up" and they were accusing the parents of killing maddy because they found blood in the room.

I just think everyone is getting to obsessed over this. :furawatchi:
See that's why the parents don't belive it. Because they were careless thinking that if they just lock the door the kids will be safe. And thanks to that careless decision. Maddie's probably dead. But what annoys me the most, is that the police is still looking for her when they could be looking for other missing people. If all the missing children or people had a spot in the news can you imagine how long the news would be?

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