What Happened?


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Jul 8, 2005
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I really wonder how tamagotchis got popular. my friend thats 17 said that they were really popular when she was young too. Its weird something that wasn't popular for so long finally became popular all of a sudden. I have a tama and its pretty neat. I'm trying to get the v2 of it but they're all sold out! EVERYWHERE!!!! B) :angry: I mean that is what I'm talking about. they are so popular that one time I asked a person at Wal-Mart when they were gonna get more tamagotchis and they said that because they're so popular taht they have to wait three months!!! Thats just crazy. Anyways let me know what you think.

Well... in 1996, The original Tamagotchi was released. It was a worldwide success, but, like all things, it eventually stopped selling well. So it wasn't made anymore. But in 2004, Bandai released the Tamagotchi connection, connexion and plus (and keitai). Tamgotchi's were popular again! ever since then, the popularity has become ever greater, prompting Bandai to produce the Tamagotchi connexion V2 and connection V2. Long live Tamgotchi's!

Well..Next year..me and my friend shelby are gonna start the little "trend" with Tama`s.Yeah..i love tamagotchis.

Heh I was like the 3rd person in my school to have a tama and then like everyone in my class fell in love with mine so they all got there own..like a few girls have 3-8 of them I remember tama-sitting for 1 girl it was sooooo funny

In my school it is always y4 that start the trend. then everyone copys them!

Heh I was like the 3rd person in my school to have a tama and then like everyone in my class fell in love with mine so they all got there own..like a few girls have 3-8 of them I remember tama-sitting for 1 girl it was sooooo funny
i was the first in my school then i gave my friend one (i had 3) but then this realy popular kid kept pestering me for one so i told him go to walmart they have em for 14.24 the next day him and his friend went to walmart tht was 4 ppl so far then one other girl got one thts 5 then the popular kid convinced anoher girl to buy one thts 6 then i found out tht a different girl had one thts 7 i think thts it oh wait no another boy bought one i think so tht be 8 and it was my doing ha ha ha ha :( :D

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