What have you bought today?


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Sweet pen! I haven't bought anything today, considering it's 8:15 AM, (lol) but the last thing I bought was a tamagotchi V5. The blue abstract one! I love it!

Aw gosh, loads! Books (Which are awesomeness xD), Sweets and dah chocolate which meh being craving for! Plasters (Cut finger accidently with knife D=), Rubbers (My art teacher told me off for not having rubbers to rub out things), Hair band and Nail Polish (You wouldnt catch me with it on but I had to try it =D)

This is totally off-topic.. but I love the tamas laid out on the desk in the background of the pics :furawatchi:

Back on topic.. I haven't bought anything today because I haven't left my apartment, but yesterday I bought a Sleepy Lion MushaBelly. Seriously cute and cuddly!!!

The most recent thing I bought was a pack of Cricket Australia Collector Cards (the sport, not insect). I didn't get a good batch of them though. The only good player I got were Ricky Ponting and Adam Gilchrist. My brother got all the good ones.

Nothing. Went with friend to buy some cut-gloves. :furawatchi:

But there were none left.

We also went to the optician, and my friend will need to buy glasses. I will need new ones in September.

Afterwards, my friend bought us both a McDonalds Sundae, and a bottle of water.

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What I've bought today...


What I've bought -reccently-;

[This week]

Flowers, for my Mum

Two boxes of chocolates, for my Gran and Aunt.

[Last week]

M.A.R-Vol. 1

Beyblade-Vol. 2

Chibi Vampire-Vol. 3

^_^ I cannot stand Beyblade; its a good thing I got it at the thrift store.

I didn't buy anything today, but recently, I just bought several Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for my deck, and 5 packs of Mi Goreng.

Nothing lately, but in a few hours I am going shopping and getting a new pair of Converse.

^^ What!? You're getting more...grrr....

Um...does ice cream count. It should...

Well, my dad paid for me to get braces. So, I guess it's kind of like 'buying' braces (even though I don't have them yet.) I might go downtown to the ice cream parlor and buy some ice cream.

^^ What!? You're getting more...grrr....
Um...does ice cream count. It should...
Yep! MWAHAHAHA! But we are gonna go out next week now..I am too lazy to get ready to get ready

Yep! MWAHAHAHA! But we are gonna go out next week now..I am too lazy to get ready to get ready
You stink. Wait. Never mind. I got new shoes a while ago.

But we just bought chocolate eggs, mainly to freak my mom out that we didn't buy actual eggs (but we did). It worked! And we get chocolate!!

Well, my dad paid for me to get braces. So, I guess it's kind of like 'buying' braces (even though I don't have them yet.) I might go downtown to the ice cream parlor and buy some ice cream.
NOOOO! Dont get them!!!! Theyre EVIL!!!!! And they hurt really bad. I couldnt eat anything for a week after I got mine.

...anyways.... I got a kids meal at Burger King today =] yummeh.

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