What hurts the most?


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Nov 8, 2007
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Do you guys/girls like what hurts the most?

It's cascada's new song, I love it.

Oh and btw, ita not an emo song. xD

I thought you were talking about that rascel flatts song (or however you spell that bands name.) I haven't heard it...but I probabaly will. I like most of their songs.

I reaaally like Cascade I like 'Miracle' The best, but he should like change her style a bit. The way she sings, is always the same!

I need a miracle, please let me be your girl, one day you'll see it can happen to mee and can happen to MEEE.

It's always about boys too e.e

Yeah, true fuj. =]

Lily= No, cascada is a girl, she sings things like: miricale, everytime we touch- things like that. I love that one. x3

Yeah, true fuj. =]Lily= No, cascada is a girl, she sings things like: miricale, everytime we touch- things like that. I love that one. x3
Yep, I just heard the song.(It's the remake of the rascel flatts song. I think it is...) It's really nice. :-D By the way I think Cascada is a band...

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Yep, Cascada is a solo artist. =]

I absolutely love that song.

*idea* SING-A-LONG.

Wat hurts the most

Was being soo close

Having so much to say

why did you walk away

Never knowiing

What could have been


I thought you were talking about that rascel flatts song (or however you spell that bands name.) I haven't heard it...but I probabaly will. I like most of their songs.
I did to! I was thinking 'you have your singers mixed up' but I haven't heard it, I'll go to youtube and see what I think of it. *checks youtube*.........Oh, it's the same song, it's okay.

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