What inspired your signature?


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2006
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realizing regret
Blehhh. I'm bored and I don't feel like reading my *shiny* new book. So, yeah.

What inspired your current signature?

Mine? My life literally revolves around anime among other things, and, it was just so fitting.

My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...

8D Except I do not have a milkshake, and I do not want boys in general in my front yard. I want both gendered geeks to cosplay with. :l


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[SIZE=7pt]Mine is a part of a poem that I made up (because we had to at school), and some messages. :puroperatchi: [/SIZE]

I like to match it with my Display Picture.

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um... i want david cook to win american idol, and i want people to tell me who they think should win american idol oh and it is my b-day in 4-days.... but probly if you read this it will be less anyway it is on april 28!!!! i cant wait!!! :D

My avatar. Its MikamiTeru from Death Note, and it shows how he was bullied to Insanity.

I've been running about singing,

"Otaku peace, power, justice, and love!~"


And I'm going to Otakon and Nekocon so I though I mine as well put it in my signature.


Yup, I'm not trying to hide the fact of being an Otaku. I get called Otaku lot...


The top line is because my girlfriend broke up with me :rolleyes: , then it has my email adress incase anyone wants to add me on msn, and the last bit is because I am a HUGE fan of Chris Crocker. :D

Um... I can't really remember what is in my siggy currently and I'm too lazy to open a new window and look...

I must change it. I think has something to do with easter and it's been weeks... xP

Mine is just random MCR quotes. The guys say the most random things!

My signature is all song lyrics.

I try to co-ordinate the colour of the lyrics and the colour of the heart slightly.

The song I have in it is Mandy since the Jo Bros are my latest obsession.

I change it a lot though.

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