What irratates you?


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Screaming kids at wal-mart

porn >.<

tamatown v3 because it lags alot





And so on...

people telling me what to do all the time > :eek:

When I song plays on the radio that I like, but I don't know the song's name.

Mosquito bites.


The smell of something so yummy you just follow it and there's nothing. Dx

When people have biased opnions, Spammers, Oh I could go on and on.

People who think they're better than everyone else.

It really annoys me when you wake up after a night off hardly any sleep, and you walk into the bathroom, and there's blood all over your mirror and counter. I MEAN REALLY.

What kind of house hold do yew live in? 83

-- When technology breaks or doesn't function properly.

-- When people just don't understand that they're wrong.

-- LABELS. D:<

Just some more, haha. I could actually go on and on.

I'll post more when I think of 'em. :)

a lot of things bother me....

like when my mom says that i have an attitude

I kind of have a chip on my shoulder, so a lot of things irritate me.

Off the top of my head, though:

-Children and their stupid parents that allow their kids to be screaming monsters. I didn't act like that when I was little because my parents are not morons.

-Cashiers who comment on what you're buying.

-Creepo 35+ guys who loom around 17 year old girls.

It's always the creepos, never the sexy ones who hit on me... ;)

-People who forget the rules of four way stops and wave me to go even though THEY WERE THERE FIRST. It's always dudes in big trucks, too.

-Most of the people who go to my school.

-School in general.

-My uterus

... I could write a book, but I'll stop there... Gotta remember to maintain my positive energy.

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