What irratates you?


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thAt my A button is broke And i hAve to press shift to mAke it work -.-

111th post yeeeAAAAAAA

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When characters on TV shows deliberately try to fail at being non-chalont (sp?)

2 girls are in a house. One is trying to sneak out of the house while the other covers her downstairs.

DAD: I'm going to see your sister


DAD: Why?

GIRL: Shes NOT sneaking out or nothing no way B)

I hate that. So, so much.
SP? as in south park? NOT LIKE THAT SHOW? NOOOO WAY!! I love that show :3 Its so funny! (Im 11, yeah, I WATCH IT!! :lol: )


Nothing bothers me that much, except when people are like "Stop text talking, n00b!" And then go on about hot they love grammar and are best in their class. Sorry, but it kind off annoys me. I mean, nothing can bother you unless you let it, right?

There's this girl in my grade who thinks I'm her best friend and I'm not so it really annoys me when she always says "Bye! Love ya!" I really wanna tell her to shut up and that I'm only her friend but I can't. Ugh.
I know she annoys you, but isnt that just a BIT harsh?

^ Same thing is happening here though.

Some girl thinks I'm her friend and is following me everywhere Dx

But there's many points to why I hate her.

I should shut up before this becomes a problem.

But anyway, she annoys me. xD


Same as Weiwei, haha. Both for computers and people and animals.

I'm like, reaaally sick at the moment and it's bothering me. D:

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