What is a slang word you use a lot?


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I use the word, "dude," a lot. I'll be like, "Dude, did you like, notice how -blahblahblah-"

And I always refer to people as dude.

I use like and um in about every single one of my sentances.

The rest of the terms I use... will never even have a chance of passing the filters here. xDD

Yep, dude is a word I use...alot! I also use eh and err instead of like and um. I swear which at school turns into something like "a sh-eeet of paper?!" or my personal favorite "as...azule!" azule=blue en espanol!

I call EVERYONE dude. I curse a lot ^^' Heh. Umm...I say owned and such. Sometimes I say "OMG!" or "OMJ!" but not really. People are all "OMJ?" I'm like, "Oh my Jonas! Duh." xD Or I'll be like "OMJECMS!" and people are all "What the hell?" and I'm all "Oh my Jonas Edward Cullen Metro Station! Duh." xDD

I say "Ultimate PWNAGE", A LOT.

I also use "OOH TREE!" instead of cussies.

i say hackin...instead of a curse....but mostly i say whole expressions like...thats a double snack wrap waiting to happen..or tonight we dine in hell but tommorrow im thinking arby's...haha i say muffin top...

Usually I just say some random thing that comes to mind, regardless of if I'm making any sense whatsoever..

But you guys can prolly tell what words I overuse.. xD

I say 'Fudgecakes' instead of any swear words or stuff, but mostly just some words. Whatever word comes to mind, and when I'm lost for words I go, "Abla..pfh.." and make strange noises xD I scare myself sometimes.

And 'like' and 'um' come up a lot too... I wouldn't consider them slang, but that doesn't matter :eek:

Also... There was something else I say...

Oh yeah! 'Funky' is my number one word of describing things.

And whenever I type, 'lol' is always there. I tried to go a day without texting/typing it but I didn't succeed B)


Best Wishes,


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