What is the cheat for Leafitchi?


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Nov 15, 2006
Reaction score

I have been wanting the character of 'Leafitchi' for so long on my Version 3 Tamagotchi. Here is what it looks like if you don't know already: :blink:

Can you PLEASE help me or tell me the cheat/way to get it? I don't want to unbug my Tama- it's a bad thing to do. Can you even Unbug on V3's? Need to know that too....

Tell me ASAP or RIGHT NOW if you know!!


From Rosie :blink:

hm, some people wanted 2 raise nazotchi by feeding their tamas no snacks with good care on anything else, it didnt work, but they got lots of leaftchis :puroperatchi:

Well, I got that one and how I got that one is I took near perfect care; Kept it at its minimum weight all the time, disciplined it all the time.. basically I took the same care as I would to get a Mametchi/Mimitchi.

must be a girl

odd generation

wen its a teletchi make it turn into a tamatchi by playing with it till it doesn't anymore 1 training point full happy hungry hearts

wen its ready to evolve must weigh 20g and 4 training points only should turn into obotchi

full happy hungry hearts as quick as i no there down

wen its ready to evolve into adult make sure it weighs 22g 8 training bars only she then should turn into leaftchi

this might work if you have a boy

i got it by always leaving 2 hearts out of hungry, and 1 out of happy!

i got it by always leaving 2 hearts out of hungry, and 1 out of happy!
ahh dont you think its a bit to late besides thats not enough information

That's actually quite funny that I find this thread now, my Tama evolved into Leafichi this morning ^^

Uh... I don't know how I raised it... lol... I kept it close to me the entire time, I didn't let it get hungry at all, I always fed it and played with it.

Okay, my exact training methods (for all Tamagotchies, not just this one):

When they're a baby, make sure they don't get hungry. Check it every 10 minutes or so and make sure that all it's hearts are full. Also make sure you check back a lot 'cause it does a poop every 10 minutes or so. I always make sure that it doesn't fall asleep when it's done a poop (although if you do then you can't clean it, that lil' nap doesn't rely on the time, it's just what the baby does). Also, I always keep my baby on 30lb.

Soon, it'll evolve into your child. When it's at that stage, feed it a little until it's weight is 35lb. Keep your Tama with you all the time and make sure you check back on it. Make a note that it falls asleep, naturally, at 8PM and wakes up at 8AM, so make sure you've fed it and cleaned it; check up on it about 5 - 10 minutes before it falls asleep to make sure of that. Don't let your Tama sleep with poop and unfilled hearts. Also, when you're feeding it, make sure it doesn't exceed 35lb - in which case, play a game with it until it's weight is back where it should be, unless you plan to enter the "Bump" tournaments, in which case feed it heaps 'cause that game depends a fair bit on heavy weight.

When it evolves into a Teen in approx. 1 - 2 days time, change its weight to 40lb. Like earlier, just make sure that it doesn't fall asleep with a poop or empty hearts, and make sure it doesn't beep at you as best you can. A happy Tama is a Tama that can rely on you without needing to call at you. However, if it does beep and it's upset, however nothing seems to be wrong with it, praise it. But if it beeps and it's fine, give it a time out. That's how you get training points.

When it evolves, keep your weight on 45lbs. I don't know how I got Leafichi, but I did, so... yeah. I hope my strategy helped someone.

Mind you, I haven't bread him with anyone else, I reset my Tamagotchi actually. So it's got no parents other than... me. So I don't think the secret is in breeding... :blink:

i have one to i took below avrage care of it n my tranin way full

its not much info but i hope it helps

:angry: Heh... this is funny! I always get leafitchis (or furawatchis) when my tama evolves! :angry: So my secret... revealed! I always keep it fed. The gender doesn't matter! Make it's training 9/9! And keep it lowest waight! Hope I helped!

P.S. Hanatchi 4 ever!

P.S.S I have 2 V 3s so I make it give poop and nothing and I punish it and get it's traning up!

well, when it was a baby i didn't feed it any snacks, and it was always 6 lbs.

then it evolved to the triangle dude.

still didn't feed it any snacks (HIM)

it went to 0 happy hearts once because it wouldn't eat a meal and it wouldn't play games.

when it evolved it was a young mametchi/mimitchi. >_> the skinny one.

i kept feeding it snacks on the last day of a teenager.

this morning it evolved into furawatchi and i jumped off my chair and did a happy dance. :nazotchi:

I got Furawatchi in my 1st Gen....is a boy.


Teen - Patapatatchi

Adult - Furawatchi

I didnt feed him with much snack before it turn into adult...i try to keep it clean all the time...the training level at 9 bars...maintain the weight.....play with it when the happy heart is not full....keep checking on it when it need anything....

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Congratulations, TamamgotchiGurl! :)

I had one too. Although I didn't think they were that ... 'rare'. I've gotten Leafichi a couple of times, and I didn't raise them in any special way so I didn't know they weren't that ordinary ;)

But still. Congrats. ;)

*edit* By the way, if this helps anyone, I got it from:


Hope that helps.

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Congratulations, TamamgotchiGurl! :huh:
I had one too. Although I didn't think they were that ... 'rare'. I've gotten Leafichi a couple of times, and I didn't raise them in any special way so I didn't know they weren't that ordinary :(

But still. Congrats. :(

*edit* By the way, if this helps anyone, I got it from:


Hope that helps.
I got mine from, teletchi> tamatchi> obotchi > leafichi!

My friend has gotten leafitchi 2 times!!!!I dont know how she does it but she just gets them a ton!!!!!

STAGES MUST GO THRU:Teletchi > Mizutamatchi > Obotchi > Violetchi.

i got mine by gettin'...

a girl baby - tamatchi - young mametchi - and finally..... :lol: :lol: ^_^ !!!!!!!!!

boo.. i wanted 2 get mametchi..







I dont want to say this again...

(can we have a special designed bord for this kinda stuff?)


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