what is the first thing u wood do if u were rich


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Active member
Apr 26, 2009
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if i were rich HUMMMMMMMMM

i would like (this will be a long list XD)

buy a new convertable pink

loads of make up

a new house

things for me to do

new beds

a massive hair cut for my bro

3 laptops

3 lg touch screens


be home schooled

live wid my dad

have macdonalds and kfc's and buger kings

go to primark buy loads of snazzy clothes + dresses

go to the cinima 2 times a day

buy loads of shoes

loads of credit for the phones

the internet for the laptops

3 ds's

3 ds light's

3 dsi

a beach house for me and my bma olivia in hiawii

meet miley cyrus in person + in privet

go to football matches

3 new bikes

a plasma screen tv 1 for the livin room and one for my room

3 apple mac laptops

3 apple mac computers

3 apple mac ipods

loads of games for the computers and laptops

loads of music

loads of films

new penciles and pens and pencle cases

put some money in my bank

loads of food for the house

loads of new shoes

new dogs for down stairs

and hamsters for my room

and chinciler for my room

art and crafts stuff

a wedding for my dad

new jewlery

new sofas and chairs and things

3 new camaras for benjamin (my bro)

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I'd pay Alex Gaskarth to hug me!

Then I'd buy plane tickets to Florida and go meet Jamie Tworkowski <3

Get Kyle his stuff that he wants.

& Buy mum a massive beach house cool thing : D

Did a hole and live in it with shiny things.

Oh and hire a teacher to teach you english. [sorry but that annoyed the crap out of me]



-A secret Hide Out

-My Own Laptop


As simple as that,i don't want Fancy Cars,or Beach Resorts

Yeah, I'd buy anything I can. I don't want anything in particular... -thinks-.... No.. I don't.. Yet...

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