What is the highest generations you've got too?


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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2006
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hey guys! i was just wondering what the highest generation you've got to is. and please be honest, this is not a competition, i just wunna see if there is a maximum amount of generations you can get. by the way, i'm on four, which is my highest!

oh, yeah, and just of topic, whats the go with this karma thing?

i'm on gen 5 at the moment. i have a young mametchi. I'm hoping to get a mametchi! :mimitchi:

Iwas on gen 17 but me mum forgot to feed it when I was at school ( You get sent to the princables office if you're caught with one at school) and it now run out of batterey at gen 5.

me and my mate started at the same time he got to gen 5 and he forgot to feed it.

i got to gen 6 and one day when i was walking home from shoppping i checked it and ther was an egg!

my highest was 22 but my tama was debugged the highest i got on a normal one is 11

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