What is the weirdest dream you ever had?


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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
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Dallas, Texas
My weirdest dream was kinda stupid but here it goes :eek: I was at a public store (probably Walgreens) and my friend was shaving her hairy legs and i didn't have a razor to shave my (hairy as a chimp) legs. a customer came up and gave me a razor (me and my friend were in bathing suits sitting on the floor of walgreens) and my friend said "weird" and that was the end of my dream.


Meeting Johnny Depp.

Running through fields with Link and Ilia playing tag and hugging.

Being a part of the Fellowship of the Ring.

Having a lightsaber. Getting a lightsaber.

Jurassic Park dreams.

Being in Indiana Jones's class.

Marrying Joe Jonas.

Kissing Dylan Sprouse.

Being in Narnia.

Repairing Anakin Skywalker.

A whole dream about National Treasure.

Numurous TT dreams like:

Meeting Kelsey.

Meeting Jae.

Meeting Ksenia.

Seeing Esther.

Becoming a guide.

Getting bad karma.

Getting a crush on Andy Clemmensen.

Playing Manhunt with Indiana Jones and my family.

And so many more weird ones.

If you read all of that, you get a puppy.

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once I dreamed that there was a really tiny comet and it bounced off jupiter and hit earth and earth blew up.


Once I had a dream that I was in my imaganary world (I was only 6) and there was this really wired mutant spicked-back Koopa named Bowser(Let's remember, I was addicted to Super Mario Bros.)and he said, "I SMELL HUMAN BLOOD! SACRAFICE THE HUMAN!!" Good thing there was a small cottage near the tower, so I ran into it, and hid under a wooden table. Then, I mouse came out from a crack in the tile, so I said, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MOUSE! SO CUTE AND FRIGHTING AT THE SAME TIME" and ran all around the house, into a small hallway, which there was many doors. I stopped screaming. "Wow..." A yawn came from one of inside the doors. "WAAH!!!"(Wow, how weird was I) "What's that...what's that? Tell me, Broomy, Tell me!" the voice said. It sounded like...a person. "Who's there? Who is it? A evil Koopa named Bowser is coming to get me and I'm a human! Understand???" I was scared out my wits. "Oh really? Let me get my clothes on, and me and Broomy will be out." Thw voice said. "Okay....just to know...are there other people here? And my name's Anya." I said. No answer. Later, a girl (Who I guess was KiKi) and a cat came out. "Sorry for not answering you. Yes, there are other people here. Not just plain people. Anime people." KiKi said. I stared in amazment. "He have to go hide in the treehouse before evil Bowser gets here and before anyone wakes up and sees you!" "Okay, Kiki, but where is the-" She took my hand. We ran out of the cottage and into some trees. "Say your full name." SHe said. "*Name blocked" I shouted. The doors opened. Inside, there was...well, PEOPLE. ANIME CHANATERS! Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, Hamtaro, and others. "Oh...my...gosh...." I was filled with excitment. Kiki said, "Oh no. I forgot that it was meeting day......HI EVERYONE! MEET ANYA! OUR CARETAKER!!!!" "Caretaker?" Everyone was rushing trwordes me. Eyes blank, I said " THIS IS AMAZING~!!!!~!!! I FEEL SO HAPPY!! LOOK!! EVERYTHING I HAVE IMAGANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And then all those anime charaters jumped on me. WOKE UP FOR SCHOOL.

Once I had a dream that I was in my imaganary world (I was only 6) and there was this really wired mutant spicked-back Koopa named Bowser(Let's remember, I was addicted to Super Mario Bros.)and he said, "I SMELL HUMAN BLOOD! SACRAFICE THE HUMAN!!" Good thing there was a small cottage near the tower, so I ran into it, and hid under a wooden table. Then, I mouse came out from a crack in the tile, so I said, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MOUSE! SO CUTE AND FRIGHTING AT THE SAME TIME" and ran all around the house, into a small hallway, which there was many doors. I stopped screaming. "Wow..." A yawn came from one of inside the doors. "WAAH!!!"(Wow, how weird was I) "What's that...what's that? Tell me, Broomy, Tell me!" the voice said. It sounded like...a person. "Who's there? Who is it? A evil Koopa named Bowser is coming to get me and I'm a human! Understand???" I was scared out my wits. "Oh really? Let me get my clothes on, and me and Broomy will be out." Thw voice said. "Okay....just to know...are there other people here? And my name's Anya." I said. No answer. Later, a girl (Who I guess was KiKi) and a cat came out. "Sorry for not answering you. Yes, there are other people here. Not just plain people. Anime people." KiKi said. I stared in amazment. "He have to go hide in the treehouse before evil Bowser gets here and before anyone wakes up and sees you!" "Okay, Kiki, but where is the-" She took my hand. We ran out of the cottage and into some trees. "Say your full name." SHe said. "*Name blocked" I shouted. The doors opened. Inside, there was...well, PEOPLE. ANIME CHANATERS! Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, Hamtaro, and others. "Oh...my...gosh...." I was filled with excitment. Kiki said, "Oh no. I forgot that it was meeting day......HI EVERYONE! MEET ANYA! OUR CARETAKER!!!!" "Caretaker?" Everyone was rushing trwordes me. Eyes blank, I said " THIS IS AMAZING~!!!!~!!! I FEEL SO HAPPY!! LOOK!! EVERYTHING I HAVE IMAGANGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" And then all those anime charaters jumped on me. WOKE UP FOR SCHOOL.
weird :lol: but AWESOME:D

I had a dream, where I was at school. It was athletics day and there was a big dance partyy 8D .Then these alien people came and ran on the sprints part. Then all these singers and bands came and the aliens hated them D: then I got the midnight youth's autograph.

The end 8D

I had another one....

I was a Yonepatchi, and I fell in love with a Kuchipatchi...and got married to that Kuchipatchi...and had twins...?

This was just a few nights ago,I was at school with my cell phone and got a call,so I went to the bathroom to answer it.It was a kindergartener,it sounded like,he said 'im coming'.I was scared stiff so I ran back to class,I told the teacher about it and he said that he would 'special help'I don't know what he ment by the way he said it,but we were all silent for a moment until a knock at the door,i little kid walked in a tried to fight me.Weird.

I had a dream that I was riding on my old L.L.bean teal backpack (which is no longer with us) around my old elementary school cafeteria.

I once dreamed that I went on a big adventure. First, I showed some kids (whose names I never learned) my "sea unicorn" which was really a shiny Lapras, then we went riding it to this little beach that magically turned into a Mexican city with water for streets, and we got off the Lapras at this balcony and somehow managed to get up to where they were selling these tiny pinwheels for $10, but they were hugely overpriced so I stole some O.O Then, we went back to the beach to find Lapras, who had mysteriously disappeared. When we got to the beach, Lapras was on the other side of the bay. So we had to get back to Lapras and then I stopped dreaming for a while. Then, when I started dreaming again, lapras had turned into some little shapeshifter, and another kid in my group had one too. we walked through this field that was directly connected to the beach and when we got to a playground that was vaguely familiar, my shapeshifter turned into a big green snake and the other kid's turned into a weasel or something. Then one of the group members created a gigantic wave that hit the playground. Then, another giant wave began to form, and my shapeshifter turned into a dolphin and jumped into the water with me on it's back. As it swam towards the wave as fast as it could, I said "You can do it, Miikii! I believe in you!" Then I woke up.

The weird thing about the last part is that Miikii is my stuffed Tanuki. In Japanese mythology, the Tanuki is said to be able to change its form at will, making it a SHAPESHIFTER. Suspicious, huh?

I had this dream like 3 days ago:

I had a dream I lived in Australia, and random boys kept on coming up to me singing "Happy birthday" and gave me presents. Then I walked into a store and the lady gave me a pie and then I walked out of the store. THEN my dream turned into a Super Mario bro's dream.


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