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FB: Crazy hair day is tomorrow for homecoming spirit week. My hair is going to be wild! /m\>.</m\

Facebook: There, I did it, Kevin. I wore my hair down, didn't I look so beautiful? I know you loved it. rofl

Twitter: @_____ , YOU HAVE TO GET RADIANCE. BESTBOOKEVARRR~ Well, kinda but it's really good.

MSN: I hate Mrs.S, and I have a feeling she hates me too.

Facebook: OMFG. DUDESDUDES, I FOUND MRS.S ON FACEBOOK. Who dares me to add her?

Twitter: I think I might love you. ;w;

MSN: I think I found my long lot sisters. Leeah, and Amii.


TWITTER; ew why is she talking to me on facebooooooooooook

MSN; i think it's something like "take a chance & don't ever look back."

Facebook: Hey, you want to come over tmrrw? Kevin, Austin, Justin and Ryan are coming. Text me, kk?

Twitter: @______ , LMAFO. That made me laugh so much. xDD

MSN: The worst thing to see is the one you love to love someone else.

FACEBOOK; same as last time

TWITTER; meh i'll take mine in january

MSN; same as last time

FB: Just got back from homecoming. It was a great day. Got a division one rating and won tons of awards at the marching competition. Went out to eat with my best friend, went to homecoming and had an awesome time with all of my other friends. With the exception of some of my band friends almost getting killed by a train, it was an awesome day. ^o^b

Facebook: I just got smacked in the face with fish! D8<

Twitter: @______ , Lol, thankgod Justin doesn't have Twitter. BUUUTT, that was rofl worthy.

MSN: The worst thing to see is the one you love to love someone else.

Twitter: you know what i haven't done in a while? play ddr. I WILL DO SO TODAY~ i need to burn calories anyway :F


Teacher: Sara est une fille.

Kevin: SARA'S A FISH?!

Teacher: No, I said FILLE.

Kevin: Oh good for a second there I thought..you know.. /awkward laugh

-awkward silence-

Justin: So... Sara, you're a fish?


Twitter: School tmrrw. ew. The weekend went by so fast /cries

MSN: Just failed. Didn't make the soccer team...

Twitter: Ugh, Music sucked for one reason only.

I was playing with this 'wire', trying to straighten it, and it got stuck in my finger, then it bled.

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