What is your Favourite Breed Of Dog?


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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
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There are hundreds of dog breeds, but what is your favourite?

I love Tosa Inu's. They are a Japanese fighting dog that fights to the death. But they are very compassionaite around people they've been around they're whole life. They are great dogs for children, too. But they need a firm upraising; or else they won't turn out so loyal. They were banned in the UK, like pittbulls.

I want to raise and breed Tosa's when I grow up if I can. I know a friend with a tosa named Mama because she's so compassionate. :D

I like all types of dogs, but I do prefer bigger ones over little ones (I still love my grandma's dachunds, though!). My favorite breed is the Newfoundland (whom you can find in my avatar.)

I have a golden retriever, though.

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ummm....how can U expect me 2 chose....I love dogs and I would love any dog (yes....even pitbulls....why would they be banned? they can be sweet) anyway I have a labrador Retreiver! and I would enjoy haveing an irish setter! https://www.dogbreedinfo.com/images8/Irish_...DArcy_stand.jpg

I love all dogs and all have the ability 2 love!

My dog is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel he is very laid back a mellow a very good lap dog. He was 2 December12, 07

My absolute 100% favorite dog in the entire world is a Great Dane. Unfortunately, I do not have the space for one, so I have a lab mix and 2 pure bred beagles. Beagles are my favorite dog out of the ones that arent miniature horses XD Here is pics of my dogs and a pic of a Great Dane.

This one has cropped ears which I am personally against doing (that is where they take normal floppy ears and cut them and keep them in cast like things until the ears form and stand up on their own.)


This one without cropped ears


And these are my dogs :angry: The big one is Cooper, the black one is Ricky, and the tan and white one is Lucy.




I love Border Collies.

We've got one called Molly. Cute little thing! :furawatchi:

Shih Tzus are awesome.

I have a dog.

It's a Shih Tzu / Lhasa Apso.

He is called Fred. ♥

Shih Tzus are awesome.

I have a dog.

It's a Shih Tzu / Lhasa Apso.

He is called Fred. ♥

I love my puppy. She is a Shih-poo, guess what is crossed?

Shih-poo's on Dog Breed Info. They are all adorable, but Coco looks like...Decker.

Ok...Coco isnt actually mine, she is Liz!'s. But we brought her together!

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I love my puppy. She is a Shih-poo, guess what is crossed?
Shih-poo's on Dog Breed Info. They are all adorable, but Coco looks like...Decker.

Ok...Coco isnt actually mine, she is Liz!'s. But we brought her together!
I call 'em poo-s**ts xP

I have one and my sister has two. They're brothers/sister.

Bubbles 1

Bubbles 2

They're my favorite as well ^.^

I have a shih-pooh, I would post pics... Maybe I will later. Her name is Pooh. I didnt name her. Coincedence? I think not.

I have a shih-pooh, and a pom-poo. I will post pics when I find my camera xP

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